Hey Daph glad to see you all are still going strong, hopefully it continues to grow the way we all imagined it would.
Glad to see your alive man, heard you got yourself a new girl. Yea Hoping Black Desert Sticks around for awhile, B&S is still going, but 95% of the people hit end game and bailed.
hey if u want I can help in an officers spot I have ALOT of MMO experience and im disabled so Ill be on probably 12+ hrs aday
Just got my download email, sweet. Im not using CB@ files, learned the hard way those never work like they say they will.
does anyone know when we can download the game for release? Or is it going to use the CB2 and downlaod from there??
Hey, what's up all. New guy here, just met Daphonic in Black Desert CBT2, stopping by to register say hello. Cheers ;)
not yet. Working on a New Pack I have called LethalCraft. http://www.curse.com/modpacks/minecraft/235681-lethalitycraft Looking to update it soon.