
New Profile Posts

  1. Zach Peters
    Zach Peters
    Hey all Star Citizen is getting better and better i am starting fundraiser for the players who like that game.
    1. Bazooka
      That should be easy, I already own the following for Star Citizen: Constellation Andromeda, Freelancer MAX, 325A Fighter, P-52 Merlin (I think x2 because of the Constellation) and a Aurora LN. I am also already in the Lethality Organization as well
      Dec 28, 2015
  2. Skullgreed
    anyone getting the Black Desert founders pack??
    1. Daphonic
      I'm looking at getting it. looks to be decent.
      Dec 18, 2015
    2. Skullgreed
      Played the CB1, its pretty amazing!!!!! From every aspect, crafting to PVP to PVE. +One of the best games Ive played in a GOOD LONG TIME!!!
      Dec 22, 2015
    3. Bazooka
      It is pretty fun, I did get the founders pack already, Not sure how long the fun train will last once it is released though
      Dec 28, 2015
  3. First Zion
    First Zion
    Anyone that wants to play League with someone that isn't going to rage or take things to seriously, hit me up.
  4. DemonSkyfish
    DemonSkyfish FluffyDeath
    how are things man?
  5. Black_Alchemist
    Playing WarFrame. General Opinion: Good Fun
  6. Drakeos
    waiting new PC :)
  7. TarriestPython
    I like to playing games
  8. FluffyDeath
  9. FluffyDeath
    1. Silaven and Daphonic like this.
  10. Tyras91
    Tyras91 Daphonic
    Heya! Do you have any Server Admins for Forgecraft? I am having a problem with MyTown2, I made a town called Furion but i am not a part of the town.
    1. Daphonic
      I'm going to Delete your Town, so you can start over. It's done this before.
      Sep 29, 2015
  11. Gozzy
    Gozzy Daphonic
    Is there any way to send private messages on this board?
    1. Daphonic
  12. Veee
  13. Credimiv
    Moving again~~ I'll be MIA For a bit soon.
  14. Davrial
    Probably playing Minecraft
  15. Resonantgamer - Velocity
    Resonantgamer - Velocity
    Thinking of starting a server council on the forgecraft server. People's thoughts?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Resonantgamer - Velocity
      Resonantgamer - Velocity
      So players can come together, discuss ideas that could benefit the community inside the server and bring up issues for us to raise to u.
      Sep 2, 2015
    3. Daphonic
      They can just post on the forums :)
      Sep 2, 2015
    4. Resonantgamer - Velocity
      Resonantgamer - Velocity
      Ik but it brings the server community together, creates a bond and gives u and easier time of it. :)
      Sep 3, 2015
  16. Danny Capone
    Danny Capone
    How do I go about joining the Skyforge pantheon?? Can someone PM me with the details???
    1. FluffyDeath
      Once you're fully registered by following the steps, making your introduction etc. Post in the Skyforge forum page and then get on TS3 to speak with the leaders and or moderators of skyforge to see if there are any open slots as Skyforge has small guild limits.
      Aug 29, 2015
  17. Danny Capone
  18. DemonSkyfish
    DemonSkyfish Drakoz
    whats your avatar picture from ....
    1. FluffyDeath
      I can answer that, it's a chick from an anime that came out in Spring called Arslan Senki
      Aug 27, 2015
    2. Drakoz
      Ya thats it.Very good Anime Imop.
      Aug 28, 2015
  19. silvor
  20. FluffyDeath
    Ugh why'd Overlord have to end before a good fight... sometimes anime makes me mad...
    1. Drakoz likes this.