not getting any e-mail on officer posts ... weird ... sorry my life right now runs by e-mails and texts
Even though it got greenlit I doubt it will go through because last I remember they already made a deal with Steam lol so it was kinda pointless but still cant wait for a real "RO" type game again.
DC wants their own Gossip Girls or One Tree Hill :-(, so fail DC! -- Supergirl Series on CBS -
I've watched the trailer too, and seriously I have no idea what to think of it. Well it's up to the producers how they want to spend their money...
Stupefying and avid new member looking to get recruited and involved in this awesome gaming community, specifically the SkyForge Guild.
Oh Oh Tom Brady, why oh why??? Your Tom Freaking Brady, you win Superbowls in your sleep! Why do you have to cheat? So sad :-( :-(
GFox I was for a bit, but got tired of the constant short spanned wipes. So figured I would wait till its a bit more stable.
@Daphonic I have worn a bunny outfit and as student body president had to cross dress for a school gender equality event, I wasn't jokin when I said it was about my life LOL
Yea I really wish that one had 100+ like some of the others on there. I just read FLOW as well, that one is short but damn good too.