
Guild Meeting - Issues You Have, and Want Officers To Discuss.

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by Daphonic, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    The Officers are going to Meet tonight and Come up with some Anwsers to problems we are having now and in the Future. Below is the Current List of Issues we Will be Working on. If you have an Issue you want Officers to talk about in our Meeting and come up with something for please Post below.

    1. Required to be 50 by Date?
    2. Scroll Guild Groups
    3. Events
    4. Scheduled Guild Quests on Set Time every day
    5. PvP Leader
    6. 2nd Guild for Casual Players
    7. Contribution Required Each Week
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  2. Sylrendas

    Sylrendas Member

    Since I won't be able to make the guild meeting tonight my opinion of the topics listed above are :

    1.) Agree with, idc when sooner the better. When people reach level 50 they will have access to daily and weekly boss scrolls and those are insanely beneficial to gearing up, so there's really no reason to not be level 50. AoE Grinding on the right mobs for each level can get you to 50 without xp boosts extremely quickly

    2.) Scroll groups function the best when you have a static group of 5 people, at least for the daily/weekly scrolls you get. Extra scrolls obtained through other ways would be best spent through Scroll share groups (where each member of the pt has the same scroll to summon) to ensure the most possible loot, however just running those with your regular 5 man would work as well, as guild members receive the loot.

    3.) would be cool to see some events, idk what you guys have in mind though

    4.) I don't think set guild quest times are extremely necessary, there are going to be people left out regardless of what time you do them. In my opinion just run them as we have been, when you see people on and able to do it. Once we start filling out the more important skill bonuses i feel like guild quests will start becoming less important

    5.) A vocal leader while Pvping is a must, I don't really have any preferences as to who I think it should be. But it should be someone who has an understanding of PvP or a team of people with 1 vocal leader

    6.) In my honest opinion, anyone who doesn't have a desire to pvp will not be of much use in siege content. Moving them to another guild will be the only option. Our full roster right now is restricting us from recruiting people who ARE interested in PvP, and when considering that you realize we've already lost out on valuable players that could have aligned with us. No offense to anyone that is a PvE player already in the guild. there's a limit to members so we have to be very selective, each spot is valuable.

    Oh I guess i should add, If we're recruiting more pvp players we really need more Zerkers to provide aoe CC and grapples on opponents. we're extremely lacking in that department, Probably some more valks as well
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  3. Efficacy

    Efficacy Member

    Our guild should designate specific days and times for experience grinding groups so we can facilitate progression.
  4. Faircloud

    Faircloud Member

    I want us to set up PvP groups like we have done with scroll teams. When we have guild wars declared, these groups can instantly invite their members, mobilize, and build teamwork through pvp experience. I would suggest the teams be formed by people that play together and have similar days/times of the week that they get on. These groups could extend into scroll/grind/guild quest groups if there are no siege/guild wars active. Lastly, trying to designate specific pvp days/times would help people be prepared and organized.
  5. Valignor

    Valignor Member

    I'd love official grind times for our lvl 50's as well
  6. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    Late to see this post but here are my thoughts.

    1) i'm not 50 and i don't know when i'll get 50. i'm doing quests which give horizontal progression but not levels. i didn't play the beta. i am learning about the game as i go. i work insane hours and have other life commitments as well. so talk of getting to 50 with the game being a few weeks old seems wildly premature to me but only because of my above constraints. once we switched to mostly kill quests it made the guild feel less inviting. in short, telling people how to play (grind) seems silly.
    2 through 5 i can't comment on as I am not 50.
    6) in 16 years of playing mmo's, i can say with certainty that "2nd guild" is the same as kicking people out. people want to be part of the guild. dividing people is the fastest way to losing people.
    7) the focus on kill quests should make the contribution requirements only apply to people who are able to help. people who aren't rushing to 50 have no chance to compete for contribution the way the game is currently designed.
  7. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    We will ask people if they would like to join the 2nd guild, We wont force anyone, But the Main Guild will have a bit of Striker Requirements.

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