
BDO News - April 1st

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by Daphonic, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Guild Events
    Starting April 4th, we will start organizing Guild Kill Quests at 8:00 pm EST. We will be urging everyone who is 50+ to join this group. With forty plus 50+'s on we should be able to destroy 2-3 Kill quests in less then 1.5 hours, then we will keep those groups and go Farm a spot, and own it. If guilds try and take it back from us, we will War, and kill them as a group. This is to start getting everyone ready to PvP, and work together for future Node/Castle Wars.

    Also starting on April 4th as well, after the Guild kill quest and grinding, we will start doing Guild wide schedules events starting at 11:00 pm EST. We will have Set days for Scroll Groups, and days for PvP events. Therik will start organizing the Scroll Groups, and Thronnos will be doing the PvP events.

    Level Requirement
    By April 10th, we are requiring everyone to be 50. The only ones not 50 in the guild yet are old members, and we are requiring players to finally hit 50 and to start gearing up. If for any reason you don't think you can hit 50, please speak to an officer. For those who know they won't hit 50 and want to take it slower, please read about our sister guild below.

    The Sister Guild
    We have already started our Sister Guild Lethality_Gaming, but want everyone to know the details on it. The Sister Guild will be more laid back and casual, but will still require players to be active, and be on TeamSpeak. This Guild is for those who do not want to always be ganked in the main guild, and do not wish to meet level and gear requirements on a faster paced schedule. Solace has taken over as the Guild Master for this guild, and appointed Skullgreed and Mya as his 2 first Officers. He will be looking for 2-3 more officers as the Guild fills up and gets closer to complicity. The Sister guild will also join us for any events, and is to be looked at as an extension of the main Guild, It will not have any lesser in anyway.

    Both Guilds will help one another, If any guild harasses the Sister Guild, the Main Guild will step in and Protect it. The Main Guild will also help the Sister Guild take Nodes if possible, we want both Guilds to Achieve as much as they can.

    Weekend Events
    We will start hosting weekend Events, such as Horse Racing, and Bigger PvP Tournaments. These will be announced on the website's BDO forums and everyone is welcome to join from both guilds. The prized will be anything from a raffle to special Badges in TeamSpeak.

    New Main Guild Requirement
    We are pushing the requirements for the main Guild to be 3000 contribution a week. This can be easily done with 2-3 Guild quests a week. Those that can't make the contribution will be asked to join the Sister Guild or find other options. If you know you can't make this, and want to stick with main guild due to scheduling, please speak with the Officers, We will hand out Exceptions on a case by case basis, but will be rare.

    Main Guild AP/DP Tracking
    Starting next week, we are going to track players Progression on their AP/DP so we know who we need to help work on getting them stronger. Once we get everyone's data, we will request, that players Speak with an Officer when they get there Ap/Dp score up 10+ more points. Just ask an Officer in TeamSpeak to update your roster info.
  2. Jorvaen

    Jorvaen Member

    not trying to be an asshole, but honestly, it's kinda late to set these requirements. we wont even be able to get the good grinding areas in mediah. most of the groups grinding at those areas have people over lvl 53 and we are just hitting 51. fresh 50s wont really have enough dp and ap to fight against other players. hope we can progress fasterin the future
  3. Thayne

    Thayne Member

  4. Midir

    Midir Member

    I suggest tracking accuracy (or at least if using accuracy offhand). When I use my AP Offhand my AP goes up 18 relative to my accuracy offhand, but that doesn't mean it's better. The accuracy offhand is likely better against well geared players in pvp.

    In terms of determining your accuracy from gear, this KR site (http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=3584&l=12110) suggests that a maxed accuracy enchant provides +12 hidden accuracy. So a +15 bronze dagger gives +12(enchant) + 5(base)= +17 accuracy.

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  5. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Yea, everything I've read too, was its gear based. We are looking at setting goals for Gear as well, but we couldnt come up with a combined number 100% yet, I think Gatekeeper is at required to have 280, we were looking at 230. We are going to check everyones gear, and go from there. Next week, as a guild we will be going hog wild, on getting guild going with Group combat, and grinding.
  6. Jorvaen

    Jorvaen Member

    you should probably set a date when people have to achieve that gearscore.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  7. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    We are still deciding, waiting to see what everyones at, and how long it would take. Setting a gear score is easy for those who play 4+ hours a day, but the ones who don't it could be hard. So trying to find happy medium, as gear score will start to get people kicked out.
  8. Valignor

    Valignor Member

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