
Guild Quest Divisions - Must Do!!

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by Daphonic, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

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    We need everyone to tell us what Day they want to do Their Guild Quests. We will be making Quest Divisions. Instead of having everyone log on every night to do the Guild Quests we are going to have you log on for them once a week Mon-Thursday for them, and Friday - Sunday will all be Medium Kill quests anyone can jump on.

    You will see the New Purple Column on the Roster, If we do not have anything in this column for you, please Post here with your Response. If you can't guarantee you can make one of these days let us know. We will expect you do the Weekend Quests as well. We are moving Contribution Requirement up to 5000 starting Next week.

    You're Choices are


    Open is for those who can do it any night, and we will assign you a day, this will allow us to balance the divisions.
  2. Tam

    Tam Member

    I am so disappointed. I was there Monday and I worked as hard as I could through 3 guild quests to see that I am only at 5926 for the week, seems like all others have made it to 10k with no trouble. I know my tamer is weak, and don't get the kills. But I showed up, did my part, worked my bottom off and barely made it past that magic number to shoot for. It is very disheartening., I can't help if others in my group get the last hit on a mob or deal higher damage due to gear or level differences (whichever is the factor) - is this going to weigh into decisions at all or is it just that (#) each week that will make the decisions?

    - Tami
  3. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    The Tuesday slot was Combined Sat-Tues, those that have 10k are doing 1-2 Quests every day regardless.
  4. Thandy

    Thandy Member

    I would not worry about it. You did your part. The officers have said multiple times actually contributing is more important than contribution points. They are paying attention to who shows up and who doesn't.
  5. Renira

    Renira Member

    I noticed the same myself...level and killing blows has a lot to do with it. I participated all night Wednesday from start to finish and even helped with the pre-boss quest (and the pvp that intruded). I started the night with roughly 500 contribution as I just joined the guild Tuesday (and I got that from participating in a partial x-large + boss). I ended Wednesday night with 3592. That's 2 x-large quests, 1 large, a pre-boss quest, and the boss and it only came out to about 3k guild activity/contribution (I got part of that from life skill levels on alts to boot so it was actually less & my main got a level). My only thought is that it was indeed killing blows making a difference as I was running with a group and my level is less so I was doing less damage (and thus was less likely to get the killing blow). My hubby Helldiver was there on his Valk and got even less contribution than I did, while participating in the same amount of quests.

    It is frustrating for sure. I mean, I leveled Artisan 4 fishing today and got 264 activity from just that. I could likely contribute more by leveling alts than I can from participating in guild quests right now, but the quests help the guild as a whole and lead to more boss kills = better gear for all members. And as Thandy mentioned, the officers are watching and do see who is participating. That means more than numbers. So if you're finding yourself low on contribution, try to participate in a guild quest a day in addition to your required day. That'll go a long way.
  6. Tam

    Tam Member

    Welcome to the guild Renira, my hubby plays as well. He was only online long enough to do the first 2 quests that night and made his 10,000 all in that time frame - granted we were grouped for those 2 quests and his wizard can aoe kill mobs like crazy. Hopefully, they will notice that we are working as hard as we can :)
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  7. Shurr

    Shurr Member

    I guess I can take Tuesday. Altought this week I did 3 large on monday and 1 large on tuesday. Being a DP based valk, 90/200 it is very slow gaining contri. though 4 full quests, 1 elric, 2 rouge, 1 helm I got about 4.5k contri.
  8. Cialis

    Cialis Member

    Family: Coconut
    Main: Voldy

    As I work evenings, and am getting married soon, I am now very busy at night and wont be on during my scheduled Tuesday Guild Quest times slot. I request to be moved to a floater slot as I can help during the day with guild quests before I go to work. That way I can get my 7.5K contribution points for the week. My 2 nights off that I have, I spend with my fiancée, and wont be on till 9 pm PST.

    Also, June 9th thru June 21st, I will not be on as I will be on vacation.

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