
The Kerbal Killer cometh

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by XanderShadow, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. XanderShadow

    XanderShadow Member

    Evenin' all, Xander here.

    Couple folks might know me from when I used to stream KSP now and then at xandershadow on twitch. Killing Kerbals is what I do best and still love doing, though it's been a while since I built and streamed a new version of the ICKGMS (Inter Continental kerbal Guided Missile System)

    Who knows, maybe I'll finally get around to making that ten shot mobile launcher some day!
  2. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    Haha I play the SIMs similarly, I tend to make something awesome and then burn it or murder it... Welcome to have you on the team!
  3. XanderShadow

    XanderShadow Member

    I like to make overly elaborate contraptions, then watch them fail in spectacular ways.

    Like trying to make a huge bomber with 10 kerbal guided bombs.. then realizing that you didn't mount the 'bombs' to decouplers.
    You mounted the landing gear to them. So, on the drop; your wheels fly off and you suddenly have ten rocket fuel boosters.

    many kerbals died.
  4. Nauscica

    Nauscica Member

    i have no idea what you are talking about but it sounds cool. welcome to the guild :)
  5. XanderShadow

    XanderShadow Member

    I basically make oversized, impractical flying machines specifically designed to kill as many kerbals in as many fun ways as I can :D

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