

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by BlitzArakal, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. BlitzArakal

    BlitzArakal Member

    Hi all,
    I'm an IT enthusiast, doing all kind of IT related stuff. Asides the job part and Uni studies, I spend my time playing games ( mostly PC and some PS3 ) . I usually play League of Legends ( EUNE - Faxtorial ) and currently reactivated my EVE account ( the easter break forced me to reactivate it Resistanceisfutile ).

    Why made me want to join this community, well, I checked out a lot of corps and alliances on EVE, trying to find a nice and cosy environment where I could develop my skills and such. This community looked like it could offer those things ( Bonus: it has a pretty bad ass name Bucktooth ), so here I am :)
    Best regards,
  2. Daddio

    Daddio Just a grumpy old man...

    welcome aboard.
  3. Welcome to the community. It was fun having you with us on the roam last night :)
  4. BlitzArakal

    BlitzArakal Member

    Heh :) Thank you. It was fun indeed. And I also walked alive from my first pvp tryout Jimlad Learned a lot of new stuff about EVE
  5. DemonSkyfish

    DemonSkyfish the Elitist

    Welcome to the dysfunctional family .... don't mind roshi ... Morewaitingisrequired
  6. Veee

    Veee Member

    Welcome to the community, always great to have a fellow tech fanatic in the family!
  7. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Welcome to the family Blitz!! Glad to have you with us! if you have any question feel free to ask me or any of the other officers! See you in teamspeak and in future games..Sadly i dont play EVE could never get into it haha.

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