
New Server Rules Discussion

Discussion in 'ARK: Survival Evolved' started by Daphonic, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Yes Clean Slate

    13 vote(s)
  2. No Wipe Yet Please

    9 vote(s)
  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    I'm going to be talking with everyone to get their Views on a Possible Server Wipe come Friday night after the Major ARK Update. The Vote is at the bottom.

    Rules (Still open for Discussion)
    1. PvPvE will Remain On
    2. Map Marker Will Remain On
    3. No Griefing - If you kill someone out in the world, Let them get their stuff back, You should move on and not take their items.
    4. Bases are off limits - Until they balance bases from being destoryed in 2 minutes, no attack of anyone's base.
    5. Players my defend their base if you get to close to it.
    6. Caves are Contested
    7. No building of any bases inside caves
    8. (Discuss below) Raising the Difficulty Settings
    This is a Team Bases Survival Game, you should have teams to help you with everything. With Caves and possible PvP outside bases, you need to band together and form groups. I do not want one large tribe anymore, makes it to easy, Groups should separate and work together on their own. With the new Large patch coming, more creatures will be released, and new items as well.

    My Goal is to make everyone as Happy as Possible, There is no way I can make everyone 100% happy, So I want to try and keep everything best of both worlds PvP and PvE. Everyone just needs to remember not to be dicks.

    My 2nd Goal is to make the server a little bit harder to obtain everything people need so that the game doesn't get boring and promotes team work, I've put the vote down below to see how many people would like to Start with the New rules and Server wipe after the Major Ark Update. This way we Don't blow through the game, and have 10 60's week one. The game is meant to be a long term game.

    I think after everyone's played the game as much as they have, they have a basic understanding and the game should be easier for people to play, but with wiping the server and having the new patch, people will be able to have all the surprises of the new items as you level up, and New Creatures popping out at you in the Forest.

    Let me know what you guys think.
  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    This being said, I personally would like to see the Server's difficulty put up a tad. maybe to like 0.25. I'd also like to see a Clean slate So we can Fix Tribes and separate them, and have fun learning the game again with the new Features, Creatures and Items.

    But I leave everything open to Discussion so people should put their 2 cents in.
  3. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    To be honest I don't think a wipe would be a good idea unless it's technically required as part of the update. I say this because there are people who have only started on this server in the past week and have been putting in crazy hours to level of their characters. Yes some are level 60 and doing whatver they want right now but not everyone and some are only just now coming to unlock the interesting things in the game. This is just with the few people I know and myself. Then consider the people who play on our server but are largely guests. They may not like a wipe at all and feel like it was a big waste of time.

    Speaking from experience, a wipe can have a chilling affect on server population.

    Just some thoughts to consider. I am sure everyone who is max level and have done everything dont care about a wipe since they would welcome a fresh start. Would it not be easy for people who want a fresh start to just make new characters?
  4. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    Also regarding tribes. Are there any admin tools or commands for this? Can you wipe tribes separately from everything else?
  5. Myriad

    Myriad Member

    I'm not even close to max level but I would welcome a wipe because I would like to play from the beginning with all the major changes. This is still an alpha. If you don't understand the point of it is to test the game and help in it's development then you have the wrong attitude about it. Alpha come with wipes and usually plenty of them. It's just part of the territory.
  6. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    Well to be fair, every survival game out there is still an alpha. Yes wipes are part of the landscape. Most of the time wipes are required, not optional, for major builds. That may be the case here and that makes the discussion easy. Sure these may be alpha games but time is still a precious commodity for most people. And as a gaming community, we use the excitement these alpha games generate to attract new members.

    To be honest, I don't really consider any of this as testing since we're really just playing. We simply have early access to the game in development. That's what we paid for. We should all be prepared for (a) a wipe may be required (lost time); (b) the project may collapse (lost time and money); (c) the game may develop into something we like right now but hate when it's finished (lost time and money); (d) the game keeps getting better and better (win win win). We can't say how this will go and we can't control the future but there are some things we do control. The question is what we do with it.
  7. Myriad

    Myriad Member

    To be fair not every survival game out there is an "early access alpha" that isn't slated to release in full for another year or more. This one is. Regardless of what you want to look at it as the developers still look at it as an alpha and this one in particular has forums to report bugs, request features, give feedback on anything in the game as well as biweekly reddit RMA's and Q&A's. If you don't get what you want without using these resources then again I say you are looking at this with the wrong attitude.

    They are giving you every opportunity to give your feedback and have your say in the development of this game as well as you having to paying less than you would when it goes full release (rumors are it's half price currently though devs haven't said anything about final price). You are getting everything and they are only expecting the people playing early access to help them make it the best it can be in return. Yes we use it to promote and gain new members but if we want to keep it that way we probably need to participate in it as such and then not only do we gain those members but we have more chance of keeping them.
  8. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    We may just Wipe the Map for now, So we can Disband the Tribes while keeping levelings, Still debating it.. The Lethality Tribe is Far to big, and if we Kick anyone out, or disband it, EVEYRONE loses everything they built.. its all owned by lethality.

    I'd much rather have a 100% clean slate.

    and as for admin tools Jdogg. they have NONE... they said they are working on Console for us tho. Hoping whitelist will be on the Server as well Friday, hoping they put it in.
  9. alclarity

    alclarity Member

    I wouldn't mind a wipe if we can keep our levels but are able to respec our points once as well
  10. sarahmon

    sarahmon Member

    a wipe is a wipe which means starting all over. seems kind of stupid to wipe when its so easy to take down old bases. why? if u want to start over make a new toon or take down your base doesn't make sense to me
  11. Dark Exile

    Dark Exile Member

    There are no technical reasons the servers will ever need a wipe, devs already said all major game mechanics are in, everything else is easily added and tested without wipes, no one is coming at it with the attitude of some kid that doesn't know what early access means.

    It is literally only a case of whether or not people want to wipe the map, anything they add will only matter in the case of your level, if your 60 with no points you can't learn the new things, but that in entirely a CHOICE because you can restart your character at any point.

    All that aside for personal reason i dont see the point in one because i built where i built, i like it, and i would be pissed if someone got on and took my spot,.
    On the other hand its kind of unfair to the new people who get on and see buildings everywhere, i went scouting the island last night andeverywhere i looked was a building, did people live there? who knows, for all i know they were abandoned and because i don't know i can safely say new people don't either, so they find themselves with very few decent places to build.

    But also on new people, i can't imagine they would want to lose what they do have if they have been on since the start, if they haven't they probably don't care so much, but wiping without a technical reason other than things you could easily do in game (such as remaking your tribes) will more than likely piss everyone off, regardless of it being alpha (which everyone knows so talking to them like they may be a retard isn't helping anyone).

    Either way im for a wipe and against it so im not going to vote because i don't care, i can replace what i have and as long as i dont lose my levels it won't effect me in the slightest.

    I would like to add it would probably be better to make a decision sooner rather than later, im standing around doing nothing because it seems pointless if your going to wipe, will be more annoying if i do nothing and you dont lol
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  12. 2cents.

    I will probably say this a few times during this post but its only to drive the point home... This is a PvE server. I do not understand why importing characters and creatures are turned off on a PvE server. If this server does wipe the least I would like to do is upload my old character if I am not done with him yet.

    I would prefer not to make my short, but very time consuming progress lost. Investing even 6 hours like I have the past couple days is a lot of time for me. Also if the server gets wiped this will be my third time getting to lvl 20+ without making it to 60 before the server gets wiped. That makes me sad.

    Another point I would like to make is this is early access and it is a prime opportunity to help with testing and reporting bugs. So, if that is what you are truly interested in then a wipe wouldn't matter to you anyway. you would always be restarting and grinding back up to max to find new bugs along the way. and you could do that on any server regardless of population or how "cluttered" it is.

    With the increased difficulty everything hits harder? I already have trouble holding onto a pet for more than longer than it took to tame it. I also die hundreds of times while grinding so I would like to vote against that if that is even up for vote.

    I would also like to vote on looting corpses in PvP. Its only fair if you die to another play they get the spoils of victory!
  13. Dark Exile

    Dark Exile Member

    agree with this, try getting to an underwater cave before making things harder.
  14. Coming This Week:
    Jurassic ARK Content Update
    Hardcore GPU optimization pass 1: expected gains ~10% on high-end, ~20% on mid-range, ~30%+ on low-end.
    Tribe Government Types
    Spike Blockade (primitive tech): very effective vs dinos
    Food Storage Salt Bin (primitive tech): lets you keep your foods from spoiling longer prior to getting a fridge.
    Melee Attacking without stamina will now be allowed on Dinos and Players, but will increase your torpor each time you do it >:)--
    Post-Login Msg if you died indicates why you died, who/what killed you, etc.
    Capability for flyers to carry low-height dinos, not just humans.

    Having just read this I have changed my mind about resetting the map. I would not have a problem starting over a fresh character or a fresh map. But would still like to continue conversations about.....
    1. Opening up the server to importing dinos and characters
    2. Changing the difficulty. Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough yet for it to be easy. But I feel if your in a small group(3-5 people) the games difficulty is fine where it is.
  15. Aceofpwnage

    Aceofpwnage Member

    1. I like Daph's idea higher up of a wipe but keeping character levels (if that's actually possible), It seems a lot of people are getting upset more so about the loss of their characters and not so much about their possessions, this isn't all encompassing but from the majority of what I read and heard, people care about their characters more than their bases.

    2. I stand by the developers opinion on what kind of risks opening up character importing allows, I don't think dino importing is actually functioning properly at this point so I'd like to keep that off for sure, at least until it stops crashing the server. There's nothing worse than getting booted in a unsafe area and logging back in to find everything you were just working on got rolled back 15-20 minutes or lost because of slow load times of the game (20-30 seconds sometimes once the servers back up) just because someone wanted to upload their dinosaur.

    Looping back to character uploads, they offer a doorway of maliciousness and unbalanced gameplay as well as the potential for exploits and hacks (in here somewhere http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/613957600545122958/) . Yes, I understand that higher level characters don't really see much benefit in a PVE type setting where base raiding and player killing have limitations attached. The limitations create a general lack of incentive to actually utilize the extra power that comes with being level 60.

    A key point in this is that there's discussion about the PvP rules as we currently stand and if they are altered to allow more aggressive gameplay against other players then that level 60 advantage becomes that much more significant than if our PvP rules stay tilted toward the restrictive side.

    Lastly, yes I understand that this is a private server so not every Jack and Jill that joins is going to be malicious or hacking. Yes, I understand that we have a great admin community to police any discrepancies that come up on the server. But the fact remains that opening up character upload opens that maliciousness factor and it can't be ignored when weighing the options.
  16. Dark Exile

    Dark Exile Member

    ^ i have one 60 and one 40 (or so) don't particularly want to have to level again, not saying its an issue since ill just hit 60 again 2 days later.
    Allot of us have already transferred our characters off the server (you do this by visiting an obelisk and selecting the ark data transfer option).
    Till a decision is made i would think the server will probably be quiet since most of us just dont see the point if its uncertain, personally i would wipe it now if its going to happen rather than waiting and not playing at all.
  17. Aceofpwnage

    Aceofpwnage Member

    Although, if we do wipe can we get a notice or something? I would like to do one last backup of my character for local play if we do indeed wipe. At least that way I can still goof off in local play with a decently high character.
  18. clocinnorcal

    clocinnorcal Member

    I would really prefer no wipe as I have barely established anything meaningful due to getting base-raped by Carnos and Argents. I wouldn't mind as much if I could keep my measly level 15 intact. After playing on several other servers with inconsistent communities and constantly re-leveling my character at every different one, the thought of starting over again pains me now that I have found this awesome community. I know lvl 15 isn't much, but it's a lot of real world time to get there. I am married with kids, and although I have put in around 50 hours in the week that I have had the game, I feel like the character leveling is a grind I don't want to keep having to go through anymore.

    As for the other suggestions, I'm totally okay with tweaking the PVPVE rules a bit and everything else. A couple things I would personally like to see is 3rd person (not "K") and enabling character save uploading.
  19. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    So I'm seeing 21 votes but only roughly 8-9 individual people who actually comment to backup their decision...

    I for one don't think a wipe will be needed, people are still learning the game and they are constantly adding new items for people to use and build, prime example the above post by UnderCoverCarrot. If we are considering a wipe based on issues with player tribes and owner rights we could run into that issue at any point and time even after a wipe, it's a mechanic that will either always be an issue or adjusted later (hopefully).

    Also if we do wipe and start new tribes up that could run into an issue as DarkExile stated that people like where they built and someone else swoops in and takes the spot would be extremely irritating to other members who happen to not be a part of that tribe and since they have no alliance system you can't build too close or your dinos might end up trying to duke it out and tear apart your base in the process.

    I'm not saying don't wipe ever, but I don't think it's needed just yet, but we might want to take the time to find these scattered buildings that were mentioned and find out if anyone actually uses them, if not we should destroy them so people will have more space to build.
  20. DemonSkyfish

    DemonSkyfish the Elitist

    ok ... I know we did the wipe last night but ... looking at this poll its not even a day old ... we seemed to have rushed this a lot .. yes we tested the theory of doing the wipe on a test server but then just going ahead ... I should have said something last night but my mind was else where at the time.
    yes I know hind sight is 20/20 but we really rushed into this

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