
Slayer PVE and PVP Guide

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion' started by juim, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. juim

    juim Member

    Hey guys,

    It's Sen Yun. I am here to help guide you into a starter build for slayer with the items to use, the temples to have on and skill builds Solo PvE/Group PvE and PvP. Not the best at making guides so if you read this and still have questions feel free to ask me in TS anytime.

    Please note: This build is subject to change if their are changes to the class in future patches.

    General Tips
    First I want to go over some general tips and guidelines that people overlook.

    1. Slayer is not in fact a melee class, he is a ranged one with 25m range. You will never use your left click at all. If you do your doing things wrong.

    2. As a Range class remember your Shurikens do Piercing damage. So always try to place yourself in the best position to get the most enemies in every shot.

    3. Backstab can still dish out good damage, but relies on certain abilities and timing to be used right. Will go over this more later.

    4. Your stealth AOE(carnage) is very strong for an AOE with the right build. Try to use a mixture of it and your Twilight Scourge.

    5. Many skills are situational and need to be used at the right time. To get the best out of slayer it is advised to learn when to take full advantage of a skill and use it then, not just spam a rotation because we have the energy to do so.

    General Build
    Lets first go over items.
    You will mainly want to focus blood harvest, which many might have heard already. If is a great way to do sustained damage, has a 30m range and really annoys people who do not know how to handle it.

    So for items you will want:
    Main Weapon: Blood havest % increase (blue or above quality)
    Additional Weapon: Bombs in front + % damage for PvE and Agies of the Night CD PvP (Blue or above quality)
    Amulet: Blood Harvest > Steel Star. (green or above) The rest is worthless
    Rings: Like any DPS you should be going all STR/LCK with Crit chance and accuracy. Once you max your temples you might want to make sure to throw in some Dash Activation.

    Temples in order from top to bottom:
    1. Crit chance/Accuracy as needed
    2. Accuracy
    3. Crushing Blow
    4. Violence
    5. Accuracy
    6. Crit Chance/Solidity as needed
    7. Crushing Blow
    8. Solidity
    (Note these are good for any DPS class)

    Symbols you must have:
    1. Impact
    2. Lacerated Wound
    3. Maximum Recoil
    4. Ultimate Strength
    5. Clever Maneuver
    6. Lucky Shot -somewhat optional
    (Note these are good for any DPS class)

    PvE Build
    Now lets go into my PvE Build below:
    Now lets go in order from left to right.

    Shadow Cloaking: You will want to use this ability over Complete Cloaking. It gives you more time to be cloaked which means more attacks or time to get away as needed. The Second life is tempting to many, however coming back with 1 hp will not save you in most situations.

    Blood Harvest: You go to consistent DOT.

    Shadow: I personally use this one though it is more situation. However when the 9th and 10th slot open and I go with its talent it will be much stronger then it is currently. However this is personal choice. Flight of Shadow: will act more like another dash ability that consumes energy over a dash charge.

    Bait: for PvE I go with this as its great in raids to support the tank/dishing out damage with its talent and great for those sticky situations when things don't go as planned to by the team time.

    Smoke Grenade: Much more useful then Shadowland, especially when coupled with its talent. When used with talent it is slayers only real CC ability.

    Sneak Attack: If you do not use this you might as well not use backstab as it will triple its damage when it is an option. The other skill is to unreliable and requires you just to use a weak backstab to get it to work making it always put you in a tight spot since as I said earlier we are a Range Class.

    Now for talents:
    Deadly Accuracy & Pain Spot Expert: Gives your shurikens amazing damage and also adds a nice immobilize ability to them giving you your second Class CC.

    Chain Reaction: Really makes your landminds have some bite.

    Surprise effect: Great for bonus damage after your decloak.

    Choking Smoke: Our only true CC.

    Biting Whips: Great single target burst damage on the third hit of our Twilight Scourge.

    Fresh Scars: Helps generate more damage.

    Thorny Shadows: Great for damage mobs in PvE when used on a large group. However I still would save this for situationional things at times or use on a boss at others for the Reflect.

    How to play PvE
    I will try to explain this as best as I can, but its hard to just put it in words.
    First at the start of the fight your going to want to put BH on your initial target. If you are soloing follow this up with a scattered landmines, if you are doing a dungeon or raid with a tank then after he pulls them get in close and place your landmines right on top of them. With the Landmine Offhand and the talent you can do a lot of damage.

    If there are still targets, flip over to your cloak state and Nuke them with your AOE or your single target skill depending on how many. You can maximize this by going Left click->right click-> left click ->left click ->right click and sometimes another right click.

    After that start with a backstab for the bonus damage since you have the energy and replace your BH. Next start doing your Shuriken rotation for damage. While keeping BH or LM on the targets depending how many of them are left.

    Now if CC is needed use your choking smoke to have the mobs be CCed either to protect yourself or the tank. A good trick if your alone is to look away from the mob to untarget them, use it then run kite some more. This way the smoke does not miss the mob but instead the run into it and hit the CC.

    If things get sticky make sure to keep your energy above 50% at all times by only really using BH or LM as needed so you can cast bait to turn the fight around.

    Keep this rotation while using your shurikens at all times and you should be fine.

    Tips for PvE:
    1. Remember sometimes some bosses have abilities that can 1 shot people. Its sometimes a good idea to use your cloak then to survive while dishing out damage at the same time.

    2. Try to keep your energy above 50% so you can use other abilities if needed to survive.

    3. Your smoke grenade helps recharge stamina, do not be afraid to use up all your energy then use it and stand inside of it to gain it back.

    4. Use your ulti more like a survive tool then damage, its damage is crap.

    5. Again you are a range class, do not even bother using your melee attacks.

    6. Your cloak AOE is AMAZing with the right build. I can hit 36k with a crit per use per creature and i can get 4 uses at times. Do not just use your left click.

    7. Remember to stay away from enemies and kite. Even after you use backstab, try to back off again outside of any danger zones.

    Most important: READ THE ENEMY. Alot of our skills require situational awareness. Do not just spam everything or even BH if it is not the right time to.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  2. juim

    juim Member

    PvP Build:
    This is fairly similar to the PvE build both in respects to the build and play style, but I will go over the changes which I will go ahead and highlight..

    Aegis of Night: Bait has now been replaced with Aegis as you can use this before a fight out of combat and recharge your energy back by the time you engage. You can also hide behind walls during sticky situations and activate this. This is when you want to equip the offhand for its CD reduction.

    Otherwise your skills stay the same.

    First I removed the landmines talent Chain Reaction for grapevine Thirst for Vengeance. An amazing chaser/gap closer to range. You might wonder why use a gap closer for a ranged class like slayer, I will explain later.

    Second as bait is no longer a used skill I have personally replaced it with Chain Killing to take advantage of the energy recharge.

    However, these 2 skills are optional. You could also replace them with Shadow Blessing or Veiled Transition for the time based on your own playstyle/preference. Once all 10 slots are open I would recommend having all 4 of these however.

    How to Play PvP:
    First I want it to be known that having the Impact ability with slayer can make or break him. Once you get a high crit rate and our guaranteed crit with charging the shurikens it can help immensely. Slayer has very limited CC and is a mid range class at 25m so without the extra help it can make things trickier.

    First charge your Aegis.

    Then Like PvE you will always want to start with your BH. However if that is all you do, you are greatly doing it wrong as BH has good sustained damage, but is not the best damage a slayer has by any means.

    I usually follow this up by doing my shuriken throws while hiding behind objects. If I have the energy I will waste my Super Backstab on them to confuse them and continue with shurikens. Once they are lower I will probably wait tell an immobilize hits or my impact stun hits and follow up with my Smoke Gernade to CC them for 3 more seconds. If they begin running use those Grapevine grabs to catch up to them or pull them back, depending how you feel or what the enemies location is. Remember going to them does damage.

    I will usually save my invisibility as an AOE nuke or when chasing an enemy. If I do an AOE nuke or simply want to finish someone off in a close fight before they run I usually do the same pattern as PvE Left click->right click-> left click ->left click ->right click and sometimes another right click.

    If I am chasing a target then you want to stick purely with the Right click Aoe damage sometimes depending on how quickly they move as the left click will simply miss them.

    If you find your self in a dangerous situation, that is when you will use your teleport (if at an open location) or your aegis(if you can get behind cover long enough) to help give your Smoke gernade and Cloaking time to get off CD.

    Again always be sure to use your shurikens as much as possible and your charged one when it is ready. This is truly the best damage you can do and greatly outshines BH when used right.

    PvP Tips:
    1. Just like PvE do not spam skills. There is no combo for slayer like a lot of other classes. You must read your opponent and be ready for what they will do depending on what class they are.

    2. Your Cloak AOE is great for large groups. It can change the tide of a large scale fight if you hit those crits.

    3. Grapevine/backstab can be used on 1 enemy to get away from another.

    4. Time your smoke grenade with your other stun/immobilize otherwise chances are u will just miss with it.

    5. Use the terrain to your advantage and have those pesky range types move in a little closer so they enter your own range.

    Thank you for reading and I hope this helped.

    Please note this guide is subject to change or be added on as things change or are thought up.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015

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