
Knight PvE Build

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion' started by juim, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. juim

    juim Member

    Hey Guys,

    It's Sen Yun here to teach you today how to be an awesome PvE Tank for Knight. I will go over build options of what I use and how I personally play it and if you have any questions after this feel free to ask me in TS. Thanks!

    Please note: This build is subject to change if their are changes to the class in future patches.

    General Tips
    First I want to go over some general tips and guidelines that people overlook.

    1. Knight cannot spam shields like Paladin. So if you are going to be tanking make sure to always stay in your Def Stance.

    2. Use your taunts effectively to always keep the monsters and bosses on you. You will want to use them as much as you can. But take into count that the Spear throw does not always hit so it can sometimes be best to save your taunt shield for those times when it does not hit, it will taunt the boss even if it does not show up as a debuff.

    3. Your roll is to survive just as much as it is to hold agro. If you get hit by all the bosses abilities that you could dodge you will be dead fast. Try to be hit by none of them just like if you were made of glass. If its a big ability that's when it can be best to use your shield to prevent damage and hold agro.

    4. Don't spam your attack skills. Save them for the right time and try to keep your energy charged. Your AOE Earthquake is great but is best used as a knock down + pull when needed then a damage item. During bosses you will want to use your falcon attack but still try to maintain full energy for any minion spawns.

    5. If you die on normal mobs, but the fight is almost over do not just use Whiplash just because you can. The next wave might be worse.

    General Build
    Lets first go over items.

    As a knight it is much less important to have health, valor or spirit then it is as a Paladin. We do not get many abilities if any really that base are stats on it so it can be best to just go Str/Luck and use the Lightbinders and Alchemist shields to keep us alive as that is their role.

    So for items you will want:
    Main Weapon: Falcon Attack Damage up by a %. (You want even use the other 2 abilities that are an option)
    Additional Weapon: Here you can have either Havoc/Earthquake less energy + damage % for more damage and abilitiy to use it faster or Barrier 2 for more survivability
    Amulet: Falcon Attack or Havoc/Earthquake damage.
    Rings: As I mentioned before it is not necessary to go Valor or health as a tank. The more damage you do the more natural agro you pull so like any of the DPS you can be going all STR/LCK with Crit chance and accuracy and health bonus.

    Temples in order from top to bottom:
    Extra Damage
    1. Crit chance/Accuracy as needed
    2. Accuracy
    3. Crushing Blow
    4. Violence
    5. Accuracy
    6. Crit Chance/Solidity as needed
    7. Crushing Blow
    8. Solidity
    (Note these are good for any DPS class)

    Extra Survivability
    1. Endurance/Block as wanted
    2. Shield Power
    3. Block
    4. Shield Power
    5. Endurance
    6. Block
    7. Endurance
    8. Adaptation

    Feel free to mix and match Offence and Def for a happy medium.

    Symbols you shoul have:
    1. Impact
    2. Clever Maneuver
    3. Tactical Defense
    4. Inertia
    5. Life Energy
    6. Impulse Barrier
    7. Balance
    8. Lacerated Wound
    9. Maximum Recoil
    10. Ultimate Strength
    11. Divine Intervention -Optional
    12. Protectors Creed
    (Note that I only have the Damage symbols at the moment and tank fine. However to make life easier and future harder content you will want these other symbols though at that point I would recommend all this for a DPS as well)

    The Build
    Now it is time to take a look at the build itself:

    Barrier 2: Upgrades your defensive stance to be more powerful. Other skill is not even used in Def stance so should be a no brainer.

    Resolute Rebuff: Lets you generate agro as well as makes you completely immune to damage and have a great reflection damage. If you die your allies die so the other ability to protect them is worthless unless you are truly running a 2 knight raid.

    Resolute Defense: Again Def>Offense. This will help keep you alive longer when in sticky situations as well as give you your energy back when your low. Use it smartly and it can save you.

    Stray Attack 2: Chance at getting more shield and your main spam AOE while in Defense stance. Other option is worthless in any mode.

    Earthquake: Must have to tank. This is your AOE Pull + Knockdown ability.

    Stunning shield: Good for sticky situations with Medium size mobs to stun catch them if they wonder off an your spear is on CD. Not used much in tanking though.

    Rampage of Strength: Used more for the Willpower regen then the damage itself, but helps speed it up a lot while in Def stance

    Mother Earth: More AOE Damage.

    Pile Driver: More AOE Damage. Can be exchanged for Battlemaster if wanted.

    Rockwall: Makes you more of a tank then you already are.

    Knightly Daring: Helps you get those immunity shields much faster to survive and hold agro better.

    Counter-Grip: More willpower regeneration.

    Heavy Tread: Great ability. Helps keep monsters CC for longer which means you the tank and your allies can survive.

    Unshakable: More of a PvP ability. However if any creatures do have CC effects this will make you immune to them.

    How to Play
    This is just a general guide on how I play him during Raids. It is hard to put this into words, but I will try my best. Practice makes perfect.

    First make sure your in Def Stance.

    At that start of any encounter you will be using your Earthquake to pull all the mobs together. This may take 1 or 2 depending on the spread. Usually trash mobs have more numbers and thus more spread out.

    After which quickly go into your immune shield to generate all the agro you need and dish out some heavy reflective damage back at the enemy. At this point Hit them with a Stray attack AOE to let impact do its stun potentially and if the extra CC is needed follow up with an Earthquake shortly after.

    At this point any trash mobs should be dead while the more elite mobs will still remain. Make sure to hold agro of these with your spear and your shield throw combined at this point while using Earthquake to keep them together, stray attack to AOE and a chance to get a shield and Lunge to get a little bit more willpower back.

    Do not spam Earthquakes for CC but wait for the times when they get spread out or your team CC is not up at the moment that way you will generate most your willpower back before the next one is used. If your willpower is depleted and you find yourself needing/wanting the extra CC go ahead and use Resolute Def at this time to give you more Def and get all your willpower back for more CC.

    Most boss fights are fairly straight forward. You will be using your spear and shield for agro control. Your Left and right clicks for def and willpower regen and your falcon attack for extra range damage. Make sure to save most your willpower especially if Adds spawn from the boss so you have Earthquake ready to go. Also make sure to avoid all the bosses avoidable attacks. If you keep getting hit and die then so too will your allies after you.

    Thanks for taking the time to read and hope this helped out.
  2. Hadouken

    Hadouken Member

    Awesome guide. Thanks for taking the time to do this :)

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