
PvP Arena Training -- Schedule & Rotations -- (Updated 4/9)

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by Thronnos, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    I will be hosting some Arena Training for a few hours during the week.

    Training and Tournaments is open to those Level 50+ only (Sorry for those under, but when GvG launches anyone under 50 without gear will be mostly Fodder... 50 is something everyone should strive for ASAP to start farming your gear)

    Current Schedules

    Arena Training -- Tuesdays @ 10:00pm CST (Time has been adjusted so we get better turn outs per-event. Also acts as a follow-up to that weeks PvP Tournament)

    Goals? What should you expect?
    a few things. I plan on running multiple scenarios that will give people a good grasp on what to expect from PvP. how to counter various things. the advantages of certain gear builds AND some basic PvP strategy. In addition to this, this will be the time for you to openly voice and discuss ALL your pvp questions. This is Training. Bootcamp. treat it as such. When you're here, I expect you to be able to take criticism like an adult and be ready to improve. We are going against some top of the line guilds on this server however this is a game that can be won through dedication and perseverance.

    Unranked Open PvP-Tournament -- Sundays @ 10:00pm CST

    Goals? What should you expect?
    This is going to be a structured open floor PvP tournament. Everyone is welcome to participate. just come to the arena, get with the coordinating officer/member and give them your AP/DP. you will be placed into Tiers and put into matches.

    Rewards - TBA

    Ranked PvP Tournament -- Last Sunday of every month @ 10:00pm CST

    Goals? What should you expect?
    This is going to be a structured PvP tournament open only to those who pre-register. The week before the tournament I will open a forum thread and only those who post the required information will be placed on the roster and into brackets. we will go all the way until either one person or one team is left. We will keep a Ranking system from month to month and have an in-house leaderboard.

    Rewards - TBA
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  2. Embraze

    Embraze Member

    I'm down, I'm available most days after 4PM PST and if anyone wants to practice 1v1 let me know
  3. de5i

    de5i Member

    I am in as well. I am available any time until end of this month. I have a couple weddings to attend after that. Need to improve my gear asap!
  4. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Alright. this tuesday at say 10pm CST (8pm PST). good for both of you? we will run doubles for a bit and some various 1v1. gotta get yall used to Dodging and getting skills off 2v1. and how to chain stun 1v2. hopefully we can get some more takers soon.
  5. Embraze

    Embraze Member

    Should be fine for me
  6. Mistereo

    Mistereo Member

    I'm available Tuesday and Friday this week. 51 Wizard building a damage and support gear sets.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    sounds good for me. when we get there id also like to look at your build order for both. what gear do you use?
  8. Syxe

    Syxe Member

    EST (Minus scroll group time)
    Mon: Anytime up to 5:30pm
    Tue: 7 pm to 4 am
    Wed: 10 pm to 4 am
    Thur: 7 pm to 4 am
    Fri: 7 pm to 4 am
    Sat: Varies
    Sun: Anytime up to 8 pm
  9. NahXirok

    NahXirok Member

  10. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Awesome. thanks for all your input! We had a decent turn-out on Tuesday. I was unable to be there due to a scroll group. We will be going on forward Tuesdays and Fridays for sure. this is now set in stone. I will be posting more updates in a bit
  11. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Tonight's PvP event will be a little late. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will probably be going out tonight :)
  12. Sick Boy

    Sick Boy Slacker The Chosen

    Hey Thronos. I'm down for being a scout like we discussed, or calling targets and what not. My main is now a Witch, Family name Golden_Child, Witch's name is GoddessOfDeath. Also down for 1v1 training. Need to time my explosions, etc.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  13. Domepiece

    Domepiece Member

    I'm changing my family name soon, but my character is Domepiece. I still need to get to 50 but once I do I will always seek out people who need/want to train and will try to be available Tuesday/Friday nites. I am extremely high on pvp experience throughout many mmo's - engaging in organized group pvp in sieges, naval combat, and arena/instanced stuff.

    I am self employed though so I can't have a totally strict schedule for gaming, but I will help where I can.
  14. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    gonna have to do something a little different for the arena training. while people show up. being the sorta unstructured event that it is. attendance varies.
  15. Teejay

    Teejay Member

    Sign me up capt'n :D
  16. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    any input. should we do the Arena Training once a week? I did it twice last week and one day we had stellar attendance and the next we had 2 people. too much structure? too many events?
  17. Teejay

    Teejay Member

    maybe once a week on either sat/sunday sometime when we have a better chance of attendance I reckon :)
  18. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Alright. Yeah I was leaning towards that. Maybe on Monday/Tuesday as a follow-up for questions and concerns people had from that weeks PvP tournament. That'll give people a reason to come and try out new things. Plus it'll help me as there is only so many ways I can show how to stun, timings, etc etc. Seems like a plan. Also opens up the field for more grinding lol
  19. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Unranked arena tournament is on for tonight! Everyone get ready to bring your A-Game. The past 2 have been group vs group. I'm thinking it's time to provide an outlet for our 1v1 classes and for our wizards to show off their expert level skills. What do y'all say that this week we do a 1v1 bracket?

    Edit - remember these will not be ranked or tracked beyond individual performance for the follow-up arena event. Don't worry if you get knocked out early. Some classes do better GvG and some better 1v1. Just give it your all and have fun with it.
  20. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Due to the 10% Bonus XP. we decided to roam around and help our guild farm some XP. got in some decent pvp vs higher geared/leveled players. secured our guild mates farming rights. was pretty fun. thank you to all who grouped up!

    Arena even on tuesday is still live! the 1v1 event will be NEXT SUNDAY.

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