
Quick and Dirty Guide to Gearing! [Ranger PoV] [Work in Progress]

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by Cubanito, May 23, 2016.

  1. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

    So for those of you still undergeared, and looking to make an impact in PVP here is a quick and dirty guide to getting geared and some of the decisions I made while leveling.

    I do want this to evolve and get better so please let me know if there is anything I should add, or that you want to add. Or anything I should change.

    Keep in mind this is just the path I took as a Ranger and there are a wide variety of paths you could take to getting geared up. I do eventually want to have different recommendations for frontliners, and the pew pew backline. And eventually, class specific recommendations. For this however, I will need more help from the more experienced members of each class.


    At this point in the game, you should at least have your Mainhand to +15. If you don't get on that as soon as possible!

    Mainhand Weapon.png

    With your Mainhand at +15 you will get 70 AP as a baseline. If you chose to upgrade that weapon to Gold, you will gain a handful of AP from there as well.

    I could use some input here on whether to use the AP offhand or the Accuracy offhand for each of the classes.

    Ranger: Bronze Dagger if in a PVP situation, Steel Dagger in PVE.

    You should also have your Offhand to +15 at this point.

    As you can see from below you either get 21 AP from your AP offhand, or you get a bonus to your Accuracy.

    SteelDagger.png Bronze Dagger.png

    In the case of PVP, in most cases I would recommend using the Accuracy offhand. Accuracy is just too valuable to not get to the soft cap. I'll try and make a post later detailing the accuracy research being done atm.

    In the case of PVE, unless you are still leveling and mobs are still Dark Red or Purple, I would recommend the AP offhand.

    One exception to that in my experience is the Ranger. Because of the way Shotgun scales both options are very viable. I ran with a +15 Bronze Dagger from Lvl 1-55, at which point I switched to a +15 Steel Dagger in MOST cases.

    If you have multiple offhands, when updating your GearScoreā„¢ with the forum post and image go ahead and equip your AP offhand.


    So far with just getting your Yuria weapon to +15 and your Offhand to +15 you have a total of 91 AP.

    This part might be controversial and biased toward the backline of DMG dealers, but I would love some input from some more experienced frontliners on what they wear for accessories.

    For PVE it's simple, AP AP AP
    For PVP it's simple, AP AP AP

    That means getting:


    It won't be too difficult to at least get these, if the RNG gods don't bless you with sparkly goodness, then you can go farm Sausages for a couple nights and make more than enough to just buy these from the Marketplace.

    If you are absolutely against buying these from the market there are 2 hourly quests you can do to get a special currency that you can trade in at two vendors to eventually get 2 Rings that give 5 AP each and two Earrings that give 5 AP each.


    That being said...

    EVERYONE should have at least 20 AP from their Earring and Ring slots.

    So at this point, everyone should have at a minimum, 111 AP.

    Now on to the most controversial slots. In my opinion, if you are dealing large amounts of DMG you should be using an AP belt and an AP Necklace.

    I NEED input from frontliners on what pieces they use in these slots.

    In the case of the Necklace slot, I would recommend using a Bares Necklace.

    Bares Necklace.png

    I would shoot for the TRI once you've got a backup DUO already and have +15 most of your other gear. It should be relatively easy to get a DUO: Bares Necklace.

    Attempt the PRI with 0 stacks, and the DUO with 25 Stacks, and the TRI with 35 Stacks.

    For the belt I again would recommend straight AP, I do need input from frontliners here as well.

    Entry level I would recommend picking up a PRI: Bares Belt.

    BAres Belt.png

    If you want to test your luck you could try farming a couple of these and try to PRI them with 25 failstacks.

    One of these is equivalent to a PRI: Bares Belt

    The PRI: Belt of Shultz the Gladiator basically a cheaper Tree Spirit Belt.


    If you have the money or luck to get one of these keep it and use it, its BiS for a while:

    Tree Spirit.png

    Some would argue that the set bonus of +5 acc alongside the extra DP outweighs the extra 5 AP you can get from going with a TRI: Bares, and a Tree Spirit. I'm not 100% sold, but if anyone can make a case for it, I'm willing to change this section. If anything you can use an Ancient Weapon Core with a TRI: Bares Necklace.

    Seal Core.png

    In my opinion, I would go for a TRI: Bares Necklace (Same AP as an Ogre Ring), and a Tree spirit belt, or a PRI: Belt of Shultz the Gladiator, or an Ancient Weapon Core if you so desire.

    In any case if you go with my recommendations thus far you will have a total of 14-15 AP from your Belt and Necklace Slots.

    Bringing you to a grand total of 125-126 AP.

    On the next post I'll talk about getting your armor to +15 and getting your DP up.
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  2. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

  3. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

  4. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

  5. Tenarms

    Tenarms Member

    Just adding my two cents in to help (also a ranger main).

    1. Pretty much every class, no matter the situation, should be using their class's Accuracy offhand until they get boss gloves. Very few exceptions, and even those are mostly because they're getting the Accuracy from somewhere else.

    2. With that in mind, base sheet AP with +15 Yuria Weapon and Accuracy Offhand is only 73 AP. Game uses mid point of Weapon (68-73 AP, rounds down to 70 AP) and then 3 AP from Offhand. If you trade out the Accuarcy Offhand (which you shouldn't) you go up to 94 AP. Not sure where you're getting 91 AP from for Weapon+Offhand.

    3. Witch's and MoS are best in slot for all DPS classes, but other classes (such as Warriors) have more options. I know the Red Coral rings seem to be popular among the non-DPS focused classes.

    4. Tri Bares Necklace is a good substitute until you get Orge ring, but it's also a costly investment for something you plan to get rid of as soon as possible. Another decent option is Scarla Necklace. Provides the same overall AP/DP, but split between the two. Just a thought for those who don't have the capital to spend on upgrading a Bares Necklace.

    5. Pri Belt of Shultz the Gladiator is your best choice until you get a Tree Spirit Belt. This one I feel is worth the investment as it doesn't take much to just Pri an item. And even the non upgrade Shultz is as good as the Pri Bares.

    6. The Ancient set doesn't outweigh the AP, at least for DPS classes. Especially since you should be using your Accuracy Offhand, and therefore don't need the additional Accuracy. Again, for other Classes (such as Warriors) the Ancient set can be pretty nice.

    7. In the end, if you have +15 Yuria, Accuracy Offhand, Witch's x2, MoS x2, Tri Bares Neck, and Pri Shultz, your total AP should be: 108 AP sheet. You're not going to be getting the 125+ AP you quoted until you have Duo on all your Mos and Witch's, and also Duo that Shultz or Pri a Tree Spirit, which isn't an easy task for those just starting out their gearing.

    Good start so far, but just double check your numbers.
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    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  6. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

    1. From what I understand for pvp, yes that is the case. I would like some of the other classes to chime in on what is good for their class in PVE and PVP

    2. Yuria +15 and +15 AP offhand gives you 91-92 AP. And looking at the roster I can guarantee you that ALL if not most rangers are using the AP offhand when reporting their AP. If not their AP would be 21-22 AP less than what it is at the moment.

    3. Agreed

    4. Yea, I'll add in scarla necklace. However getting a PRI or even a DUO is actually pretty cheap to make and you get 8 AP from the DUO.

    5. Agreed on this, I'll update that PRI: Schults is the best choice until you get Tree Spirit

    6. So for frontliners with shields, grabbing some DP isn't a bad idea?

    7. Right but the issue is that very few people are reporting their Gearscore with the Accuracy offhand, most people report their AP/DP with the AP offhand.
  7. Tenarms

    Tenarms Member

    I don't report my AP/DP with the AP Offhand, because we shouldn't be using it. Remember that they will be checking your gear for more than just AP/DP in June. Meaning, if they see you don't have the minimum needed Accuracy items, you're still going to be considered below the bar even with your 280 AP/DP.

    As for PvE, unless every mob you're fighting is Pink or White name, you need the Accuracy Offhand to optimize your damage. I would assume most people are still fighting Red name mobs as they're not yet 54/55. Plus, this game is more PvP focused than PvE, so I would still recommend everyone get the Accuracy Offhand even if you didn't need it for PvE.

    As for front-liners, I haven't played as much as some others in the guild on them, so still look for additional input. However, from my understanding, they only need around 100 AP. So, picking up a lot of these AP/DP items like the Ancient set or just straight DP items are very nice for them so they can stack extra DP while still getting their soft cap on AP. Top geared Warriors are sitting at 200+ just on their DP. BladeBoques who is like the richest player on our server is a Warrior with 86AP/226DP.
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  8. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

    Right I don't have any issue with that, I've got my bhegs gloves and I'm using my steel dagger at the moment. Which works out fine. However anyone who does not have bhegs gloves and/or a liverto to +15 will have a bit of difficulty reaching 280 minimum at the moment, if I'm doing the math right.

    But I do foresee a lot of Ap/Dp going down drastically in this case.

    I do mention in the OP that if you are doing PVP you NEED the accuracy offhand. I also mention you need the ACC offhand for leveling, so there should be any issues of people not having the ACC off hand, for rangers at least.

    I'll add a tidbit about warriors and maybe stacking DP.

    Could we get some insight from an officer on whether or not rangers, or any other class that should be using their accuracy offhand should be reporting their ap/Dp with their accuracy offhand until they get Bheg's Gloves?

    BTW I'm glad we are finally discussing gearing, open discourse like this will hopefully get us all geared faster and better:)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Tenarms

    Tenarms Member

    Well Mr. Fancy Bheg gloves, LOL. Yeah, once you have boss gloves you no longer need Accuracy Offhand. Also, you are correct that in the current limits of +15, getting over 260 AP/DP is difficult. However, the 280 AP/DP requirement isn't being enforced until June 5th. Giving people time to get their gear to +18 with the new patch.
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  10. Cubanito

    Cubanito Member

    Haha, well hopefully this guide helps to show them the few areas people forget about where you can sneak a couple more ap in.

    I'm hoping to add a section about PRI'ing Jewelry. And a section about what areas to optimize first (Ap increase per silver)
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  11. Tychael

    Tychael Member

    As a tamer who is largely concerned with getting into the fray and dropping stuns in GvG, I believe I'd benefit more from utilizing my DP/evasion off-hand. That being said, I am trying to level both to +15 at the same time. I may opt for the ancient weapon core in this case as well - seeing as though I can build glass cannon, I don't believe it'll be beneficial to the overall PvP goals of the guild.

    If you guys disagree with what I believe my role is during GvG, please let me know :D
  12. Tenarms

    Tenarms Member

    Using the Accuracy Offhand isn't about building glass cannon. It's about meeting the minimum requirements to ensure your abilities are actually landing. Every class needs to be able to land an ability. I would say that you probably get plenty of Evasion from the passive armor enhancement. I probably would build a little more DP as a Tamer than a Ranger, however, you can get that from Accessories rather than your Offhand.

    The minimum needed Accuracy to even be 90% effective (meaning you still could miss 10% of the time) against a Lvl 55 full +15 armor player is around 30+. Using a +15 Weapon and the +15 Accuracy Offhand meets this minimum (Weapon is something like +14 and Offhand is something like +19 - including the up front +5). So, while more Evasion would keep you alive longer, an alive player who misses half their attacks is just as useless as a dead player.

    Note: all of this info can change from class to class. Some abilities get negative Accuracy and some get additional Accuracy, and a few have 100% chance to hit. So, the needed Accuracy can change from class to class. However, the bonus Accuracy abilities are usually rather small, so I would bet that all classes would still need close to 30 Accuracy.

    Now, obviously I could be wrong about this, but from researching online and just using my own judgement, this is what I believe. I wouldn't use any other Offhand than the Accuracy one on any class until I got the Bheg boss gloves.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  13. Tychael

    Tychael Member

    You make a good point - I'll be looking for more hybrid/DP focused accessories, this way I can still use the accuracy off-hand. Ideally, I'd have each off-hand +15, but I'm not so lucky as of yet. I'll focus my efforts on the accuracy trinket for now :)
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