
Spring 2016

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by FluffyDeath, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    So seems like the anime life has been lacking in my absence so I have come to alleviate that. But rather than bore you with Series of the Spring that I think are okay for now I will just mention the ones that I can give my Fluffy seal of approval. There were many others that scaled in the 4/5 or so range but honestly I'm being lenient to the Spring time as normally it's Summer and Winter with the better series. So what are your thoughts on this Spring and how it's anime line up fair'd?

    1) Re:Zero 5/5 (P.S REM is Best Girl)

    Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 5/5
  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Spring was Terrible, and the Review MOD ppl went BUST, so don't have good Anime review add on anymore.
  3. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    that iron fortress one looks good. gonna have to definitely follow that one. im personally just excited that Season 2 of Asterisk Academy is out haha.
  4. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    Yes I agree it seems like Fall and Spring normally have like one or two anime that are decent and the rest are just meh. But I truly do think in terms of "best of the bunch" Re:Zero has far better, story, art, plot and characters than the rest of this seasons series.

    #Rem best girl
  5. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    Okay so I've had a few messages here and many other messages on anime boards that I frequent saying that they doubt my decision of Re:Zero... Now I totally get that there has been some episodes recently that can drive people away but I will tell you three things without spoiling the story. 1st: this series has 25 eps for it's Season1, 2nd: things will get much better as the character develops drastically after episode 15. The final and biggest thing is a new director is in charge of the rest of the episodes who excels at the type of story arc coming up so you will see HUGE changes. Oh and Rem is still best girl in anime ever especially after Episode 15...

    P.S Will do my first impressions post of the Summer anime later this week with much more detail as I am enjoying more of Summer than I did Spring.

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