Hey People, If your interested in join us in the Endgame contend and becoome a regular raid member (when this is released) we are making a rooster, if you are interested please give VanDutch or Daphonic a PM on Discord, please state your ingame name, your preffered role, time zone (US,EU) and your primary and secondary weapons ! Further information will follow when content arrives ingame https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pRJ7Wji0keRa5HvKFnElH5pFLqCbznfh_ZXadM2A2Hs/edit#gid=0
hey Vandutch can u add me plz to raid roaster? ip 240 main hammer secondary shotgun /fist/blade hammer/blade are gold head piece accessory is gold rest accessories purple have purple signet for neclase for hammer green in ring,blue in head pieces thats all i have
Can someone invite Valignor Thren to the cabal? Im still leveling but Im really enjoying myself so far.