What is the EPGP hybrid DKP system? EPGP is based on the concept of Effort Points and Gear Points. Effort Points quantify the effort each member puts towards the (common) guild goals and Gear Points quantify what each member got back in return. Loot priority is computed as the quotient of the two; priority (PR) is equal to EP/GP Current Standings: The DKP database can be accessed here: http://eqdkp.lethalitygaming.com How does bidding work? Bidding will be handled in Raid Say. An officer will link the item being giving out and everyone interested will send a tell to that Officer linking it as well as giving their bid. At the end of the bidding period the officer will stop bids and declare a winner based on every bidders PR. Multiple items can be bid on consecutively because everyone will be linking items specific to their intended bid. There will be minimums and max bid numbers in place. (Currently min bid is 10 DKP and max bid is 515 DKP) How do I earn Effort Points? Effort points are given out at the beginning of raids and every 60 minutes until raids are concluded. First time end boss kills and other guild accomplishments can result in extra EP for attending members. Currently we give 8 EP at start, 2 every hour, and 10 for the final dump. DKP is also now redistributed to the raid force when it is spent. (Rounded to the nearest whole) Only members who did not win items and who stayed for the entire raid are eligible for this DKP adjustment. For example if there are 50 raiders and 10 of them purchase an item and spend 25 DKP each for a total of 250 you would then distribute that 250 to the other 40 members who attended the raid for the duration. 250 / 40 = 6.25 (6) So 40 members would get an adjustment of +6 DKP. Now, if out of those 40 members only 20 were there for the entire raid, then only those 20 members would receive the DKP adjustment. What are Gear points? Gear Points are points charged to your character whenever you win Loot. The item values are static and are determined based on where the item drops. There is a static GP of 10 given to all members, and your GP can never go below 10. GP decays just like DKP. Loot is broken up into four Tiers: Tier 1: Trakanon - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=4503 Veeshan's Peak (although some dragons aren't very hard ie. Silverwing, keying is) - http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/zones.html?zstrat=93 Tier 2: Plane of Sky / Island 5+ Venril Sathir - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=4588 Queen Velazul Di`zok - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.html?id=4979 Tier 3: Prince/King Plane of Hate / Innoruuk Plane of Fear / Cazic Thule Talendor - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=5072 Faydedar - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=4470 Severilous - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=5073 Gorenaire - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=5034 Vox - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=2620 Nagafen - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=3283 Ragefire - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=5218 Tier 4: Phinigel Autropos - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=1852 Master Yael - http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=5074 other bullshit mobs. When is DKP updated? DKP will be updated after each raid. The posted numbers are to be always used and assumed current. Do we get credit for being on the wait list? Yes. Anyone who is on the wait list will need to ensure they are added and stay near the raid zone in at all times. How are ties dealt with? Ties will be solved based off officer loot council as determined by the needs of the raid and for the guild as a whole. The loot council looks at many different factors when determining winners. examples of things which are considered would be Raid attendance (30 day and 60 day), Tenure in guild, contributions and helpfulness (IE do you help other members with epic fights etc), needs of the guild, and GP scoring. Who can bid? Anyone can bid, but people in the highest bracket of current bidders will have a slight advantage to win. The brackets are as follows: Raider > Member > Box > Initiate Raider - To be a Raider you must maintain a 60% raid attendance average and also be level 60. Raiders will earn 10dkp a month as an additional raid log. Member - You are a member if your raid attendance falls under 60% Box - N/A Initiate - N/A No DKP loot is given away for free. If a box wins an item then the main character is charged. What is Decay & Why is there a decay? The decay helps everyone. It helps ensure new members get a shot at loot while helping to mitigate the effects of loot on a veteran member from multiple months ago. The current decay rate for Lethality is 5% Please note - BOTH DKP(EP) and GP are subject to decay Are keys/bags/Epics/ect open for bidding? No. Raid keys will be handed out by leadership based on a series of factors. These factors include: attendance, current key or quest progress, and class needs for raid composition. Epic quest items will be handled in a similar fashion. (Loot council) Why are we rolling on some boss loot items? Some boss loot items are generic and not easily bid on. Keys and initial quest items are good examples of this. If we announce a boss loot is going to rolls, everyone should be aware that the winner MAY still be charged DKP for the item. Raiders can select need, and members can select greed. Boxes and apps are not eligible for these loots unless it is going to rot. ========================================================= A quick summary to explain this system would be: EP = Effort Points, gained from being on time, killing bosses, and performing well within the raid. This is your DKP. GP = Gear Points, gained when you get gear from a boss. basically if you have 1000 EP and 500 GP you divide the EP by the GP and you get a PR (personal rating) in this example the PR is 2 the higher your PR, the higher priority you have over others for a piece of gear you want. when you get a piece, you gain GP, thus making your PR lower. its a way for organized guilds to hand out loot to those who make it their responsibility to show up on time, and perform to the best of their abilities. as others get loot their PR goes down as well, and eventually you'll have the higher PR to get another piece of gear, and the cycle continues. In plain English, in a traditional DKP system you receive effort points that increase your DKP pool and spend them to receive loot which decreases your DKP pool. The person with the largest DKP pool has the most buying power. In EPGP, you receive effort points but you also receive loot points. These are separate from each other and your buying power is defined by your effort points divided by your loot/gear points. This system combats hoarding and encourages players to spend points on gear, thereby increases the raids total overall effectiveness while allowing both raiders and casual raiders to gain upgrades.
Asking for clarification: what is the modifier for the different brackets? e.g. Raider > Member > Box > Initiate Is Raider at a small multiplier? Is box at a negative multiplier, ditto initiate? Clarity through transparency is always a good thing.
What is required of a Initiate to become a member? What is the required amount of raids before the +/- 60% is factored in for Initiates to be deemed Raider or Member? -Jalordar *Edit* Answered a question but other remain.
The initiate vs member vs raider bidding advantage is more implied and less direct to my knowledge. a raider will have more dkp generally than a member and a member more than an initiate. In the event of a tie, raid participation (again this leads back to implied advantage) is used to break ties. Since a raider had to have 60%+ to even be that rank, in a tie the raider would win the bid. The raider also gets a monthly dkp bonus of 10 dkp added as an event so that slightly increases their participation ahead of a member or below because they have raid credit one time that only raiders can get. keep in mind a normal raid is 4-5 raid credits, so a raider only gets 1 extra free credit a month or ~1/5 a raid... but it still helps give a boost. the required amount of raids is really up to officer discretion. the calculation will be done on the last day of each month and for this first time, was done last night and will be done again at the end of september. We used a required raid possiblity requirement of at least 24 raid credits with at least 60% attended, this was based on the demo merge's possible attendance. After this it will just be based on the guild wide rolling 30 day calculation, unless other events prompt a change.
The Initiate rank is like our Applicant rank. Once an Initiate has proven to be an active member of the guild, he will be given the member rank. This can happen a number of ways but ultimately is up to officer discretion. The way we have been doing it is by showing up to at least 2 full raids. During that time a new member who is active and involved in the guild will be bumped up to member automatically by me. Sometimes you guys slip through the cracks so if you have raided with us and feel like we might have missed you give shoot me a tell. Chances are youre right and I will promote you on the spot. I use the Initiate rank as a "get to know us/you" measure. The only way it would affect bidding is for members who may have had real life stuff going on, and been with the guild a long time and dropped RA and have previously spent their DKP or their DKP has decayed completely trying to bid on an item, it would prevent someone who just joined the guild that day from beating them on an item. That's a very unlikely scenario but you get the idea.
I DO NOT! like the policy that people who log in after 70% of the raid is done dont get invite. I have never seen this before. if someone wants an invite... especially on a mob we have not taken down yet we should be inviting them. Who cares if someone gets a small amount of dkp every bit of help is good.
This is because in raiding guilds, you need people to show up for clearing. In a lot of higher end raiding some people will purposefully not join a raid until clearing is done. It isn't fair for people who show up on time and do the crappy work, which is why we give the 10dkp incentive for showing up on time. A general consensus in everquest raiding guilds is that if you cant show up to the majority of the raid, you don't get to swoop in at the last moment to get a chance at the best gear that drops (usually the final bosses drop the best gear) An example of this is a member who is DKP capped who doesn't feel like helping the raid out until they get to the boss he wants, then asking for an invite and bidding on a piece of gear. Someone else who was there for the entire raid might feel greatly offended by this. There are countless other reasons why we do not allow excesseve lateness to attend the raid after 70%. The most simple and fair solution is to not allow any new members to join the raid after 70% UNLESS IT IS GOING TO MAKE OR BREAK THE FIGHT. You don't have to like it, but that is the policy. No policy will appeal to everyone, but this one is the most fair to the most people.