as someone who had ground out VR14 multiple times and maintained a high presence in all activities. I can easily say that the removal of all VR...
hows the combat like now? I know its more like WoWs with a traditional skill bar. but aside from that. how does it actually feel. does it feel...
yeah I used to always back in the day of 1942, Counter Strike and Team Fortress however I find that nowadays I am VASTLY better at playing...
Is anyone else here interested in Battlefield 1. I am going to be purchasing the early collectors edition for either the PS4 or PC... I am leaning...
just realized I cannot solo bump the forums. my posts keep getting merged with my old time stamp. ill need 1 other person who can regularly check...
am i the only one who is EXTREMELY intrigued by the idea of a Grind-less passive xp system and constantly refreshing PvP system? makes me think of...
im tempted to get it. ive heard it more akin to the original doom than the horror released a few years ago.
just went there followed it with email notifications and profiled. should be good to go :D
I got ya. Im always on the forums as it is. Want me to create a guild on BDOFoundry as well for us?
I ride a potato. proven fact
we all gotta start somewhere :D what kinda roll do you like to play/fill?
maybe not on the guides. haha. I remember they added a bunch of items and crap. ill have to update my guides once ive had some time to play again
used be HARDCORE into Dota 2. 4200+ MMR in my peak with a 4000+ Team Rating. Stopped playing because I got VERY frustrated with the direction and...
Please List what you got from the BOSS ONLY regardless of how bad it was. if you are not sure. only list the higher tier things that you ARE sure...
shall i start trying to host all this again?
already voiced interest in 1,5 and 6. was talked to about 6 however. still interested in helping
Sweet! I love this :D keep it up
There was a guild of similar name in ESO who used the Stamina hacks in PvP. coincidence? they were almost as a whole guild banned
<3 greetings! :D
Beer is the key to life! LMFAO. welcome :)