I will just into touch with someone when I get back, no worries. This Military move has been a pain in the butt
As discussed before, I will be on a leave of absence as I move from the UK to the US. I wont be getting to a stable internet connection until I...
and posted
Just a heads up, if you are fishing and see deliciousdogeater, he is one of the people killing AFK fishers. [IMG]
PVE 1. Play 5+ Days a week - Every day as I am able, minus my medical as you know 2. With my current situation on work hours (being in the UK) I...
1. Family Name: Kazooka 2. Main Toon's Name: Tadalafil 3. Main Toon's Class: Valkyrie 4. TeamSpeak Username: Kazooka 5. Website Username: Kazooka
I am on Server Orwen/Balenos#2
I am pretty excited for it, I will definitely be down for this one, already pre-ordered and was part of the last beta.
Just a heads up to anyone else who was interested in this upon it's Alpha/Beta/Public Release I have the following ships currently pre-ordered and...
It is pretty fun, I did get the founders pack already, Not sure how long the fun train will last once it is released though
That should be easy, I already own the following for Star Citizen: Constellation Andromeda, Freelancer MAX, 325A Fighter, P-52 Merlin (I think x2...
yeah it is Kinda, but there will be other opportunities. I think this is going early access in steam as well in a couple months. I got drunk one...
Is anyone else interested in this one? I have been keeping tabs on it, and the Closed alpha for new pre-orders starts in a couple days. I will...
I'm a fan of the green and black one, although the black and purple is pretty nice also
1. Bazooka 2. Bazooka 3. Wildlings 4. Jiga 5. 76561197979666333 ADDED
It is basically a demo right now. But Can't wait for the release of more modules. the FPS should be released hopefully summer/Autumn this year, If...
I really can't wait for this game to get released!! So close, but so far away...
Whats up again! It is Kazooka and or Bazooka if you are on steam, and what not. Just keeping up with you guys! Hope Daph and Drakoz are keeping...
Well fuck me running