1G gold Ingot Grunil Helm 5 Seals 3 Ancient Bronze Coins
After this Thursdays Guild Quest night concluded, the list of players who are no shows repeatedly are as follows. Missing three weeks of Guild...
Bump as we are receiving new players that may not have seen this yet to get a feel for expectations before we are in a battle.
Whenever you are on just say something in TS....I know we have been getting small groups together unscheduled, to do exactly what you are talking...
Yeah, just let me know so I can mark it down and its all good.
Double checking the last two Thursday night guild quests and I noticed there are a few who have missed two of them back to back.....If you are...
So a poll of entire guild will not be acceptable because a single player thinks its not scientific enough....How about you post what you would...
Just a bit of our history with this group may help a bit here....the night before this we wiped them repeatedly at Saus./Helms, and Chased them to...
I think you may have missed a rather important fact here.....each and every person was specifically asked what night they could/would do guild...
Just adding a few observations in for when we are in combat on the field that you can keep in mind before you go to the arena to refine skills and...
Would like to participate in any capacity with the PvP development team in guild if needed and spots are available for secondary officer, raid...