
Bumbertyr says hello!

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by bumbertyr, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. bumbertyr

    bumbertyr Member

    Hi there! bumbertyrs the name, crappy intros are my game.

    I'm a long time mmo player playing games ranging from oldies like Maplestory [since the beta WHICH I STILL PLAY, I think I have a problem ;_;] to recent games like Final Fantasy 14, Lawbreakers, and of course what's brought me here Dauntless.

    My interested include gaming, (obviously) Exercising (i've lost literally half my bodyweight over the past couple years, from 230 to 150!), taking long walks, Archery, Fishing, Paintball, etc.

    My Occupation is actually in the industry, I'm currently employed with Nexon America in the QA Department, I absolutely love my job! Do note that this job does take up most of my time however, I'm talking like 10 hour days during the week.

    You can Call me Bumb, Bumpercars, Bumber, or just by my real name Joshua (I'm not shy ;) ) If you're intersted to how my ign is actually pronounced it's bumber, then you say each letter individual T. Y. R. No, it's not an acronym, yes it know it's strange, and am I insane? I'm going to go with... probably bu-bu-but lets just leave that for another.... discussion.

    I do have a small youtube and twitch as well as a mixer. Bumbertyr1 on Youtube while on mixer it's just Bumbertyr.

    Look Forward to meeting all of you as well as being a part of the community.

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