
damage theory crafting in skyforge

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion' started by DemonSkyfish, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. DemonSkyfish

    DemonSkyfish the Elitist

    couple friends of mine and I have been working on theorycrafting classes and damage output for each class
    so far I can say that might is useless
    as of right now might's ratio is about 10 might : 1 damage
    supported conclusion http://skyforge.wikia.com/wiki/Damage
    however strength while in early game is at 2 strength: 1 damage
    but now this is where it gets interesting damage has a min and max but the equation is
    Base Damage = (Might + (Stamina * (1 + Solidity)) * 27/313) + DmgSpread
    dmgspread we are still working on proving but as of right now it seems that we can agree that
    http://skyforge.wikia.com/wiki/Damage is possible accurate in NA and Europe build
    however each class may weight the stats differently ... case in point knight
    1 stamina = .686% bonus health (work in progress )

    case and point is not to go for might as a primary
    it would be better to just unequip your weapon and throw it a mob
    (but really don't do that because you can't use skills and your damage is cut to about 46% of what it is with a weapon)
    I will update as we prove more and I will try to add class builds later on
    • Informative Informative x 1

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