

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by Drakoz, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    So lets see here i have been with lethality for a long time....kinda forgot how many years lol but i met daph in Aion and have pretty much gamed with him since...i love anime and have always and will always be playing on the PC ...Never have got into console games before and dont think i ever will...Very big into MMO's ...First MMO was EQ and have pretty much play most of the other big MMO's...My gaming started actually playing First person shooters which was Counterstrike which i actually still play lol. =)
  2. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    Sometimes I wonder if you have ADD or something lol!
  3. Credimiv

    Credimiv Member

    -pokes- Ello~~
  4. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Last time i check i didnt think i did but you never know lol. Ellow Credimiv =D

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