

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by clocinnorcal, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. clocinnorcal

    clocinnorcal Member

    Hello there! My name is clocinnorcal, or you can just call me Clock. I am from Chico, California and am married with two kids. I love to game. I play a wide variety of games like Arma 3, GTA5, Elite: Dangerous, Star Citizen, Battlefield, etc.. Hoping to get in your server as I prefer to be in a vibrant community that cares about their server and the experience of its visitors.
  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Welcome and Enjoy Your stay. Let us know how things here work out for you.
  3. clocinnorcal

    clocinnorcal Member

    Love the Ark server! Everyone I have run into is very helpful.
  4. DemonSkyfish

    DemonSkyfish the Elitist

    Welcome to the family ....you may checkout but the server will keep you there
  5. Daddio

    Daddio Just a grumpy old man...

  6. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Welcome to the family Clock! If there is anything you need please feel free to ask away =D! see you in the games and in teamspeak.

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