
Help Promote our Server!

Discussion in 'ARK: Survival Evolved' started by Daphonic, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Steam Recruitment Page [LINK]
  2. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    Did you post something on reddit?
  3. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

  4. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    I see 18 responses. 1 of which is clearly a troll who only see's PvP as a deathmatch experience like all the kiddies who flocked from DayZ to WarZ to Rust to H1Z1. Of these games the one that is trying to actually address PvP in a persistent open world environment is Rust. The rest of them are still trying to figure out why no regular Joe wants to play their fucking games anymore. Let's be realistic about ARK. Right now the developers are working on a PvP mode that would be a completely separate server than the current survival game. The devs know that they are focused on building the core PvE elements of the game and they know that no rational person would waste hundreds of hours on the game only to have it ruined in minutes by some dickhole coming in at 4AM when noone is online.

    The problem you have right now Daph is that you can set up a PvP server.. you'll get those few "hunter" people who want to PvP to play and none of the "cattle" that build and invest hundreds of hours online. Think about my case alone: 194 hours played on the Lethality server. If it was a pure douchebag PvP server like the pubs, I would have played on the reddit server instead. End of that story right there. It's not that I don't like PvP. But this game isn't Rust. It's a shit PvP game. If it was closer to Rust with Dinosaurs then it might be an incredible thing.

    So it's a difficult thing. This is a popular game on Steam but there is no reason to try to explode a server with people we don't know. Me playing on the server has brought in 5 others to Lethality who otherwise wouldn't have been here. It's not explosive growth but it's steady. Think about the long term though. This game is a year or more away from being really ready to build a long-term server for. Will any of you still be playing it when it is finished? How many are going to burn out on the incomplete game that it is right now before they find another new game in development to burn out on? How many of us jumped from DayZ to WarZ to Rust to H1Z1 to 7Days to ARK? None of those games are fully baked cookies yet who here plans to play DayZ any time soon?
  5. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Yea I understand, I don't want to Ruin the Server. I do want to get fresh bodys to play, but don't want to force it. People are already playing other games, Sexy Beasts are all playing FFXIV.

    I want to Grow the the Server Base, but I really don't want to alienate the players who are there now, I'm not 100% sure how to go about it honestly. I can only state Exactly how our server is, and if people don't like it fuck them.

    But I have learned talking to one guy, you can pretty much protect bases now. You can Ramp up Base Defense in the Config files, so base PvP doesn't matter, It would take an afuly lot for someone to do any harm to ones base.. So no would try too.

    I dont want to see the server go down to less than 10 people on it at any given time. But I don't want to just invite any stupid fucker, who will cause problems.

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