
Hey Gang,

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by VoxelVision, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. VoxelVision

    VoxelVision Member

    Hey Gang,

    VoxelVision checking in. How are you all doing? I live on the west coast so my play times are a bit later then a lot of you. I still play a bit of Landmark and H1Z1 but ARK looks like it could cut the others down even more. Just look me up if you need anything.
  2. JediKittie

    JediKittie Member

    YaY!! Hi VoxelVision!
  3. DemonSkyfish

    DemonSkyfish the Elitist

    ARK is worth it .. but try to not hunt at night .... raptors ... will ... find ... you

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