
Hi, Hello, and Howdy

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by Eewec, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Eewec

    Eewec Member

    Whelp, I did it, I finally got around to signing up on the new web site.

    I've been playing computer games on and off since the Spectrum 48K with rubber keys, then the Amiga 500 and so on.

    I remember when the initials DotT stood for Day of the Tentacle which is an old RPG for you younguns' and often wonder what happened to the ability of game designers to actually have a working game that did everything it needed to yet didn't take more than 2 3.5 inch floppy disks.... unless it was Monkey Island II which I think ran to 7.

    I play games to have fun. That said I'm not a fan of watching any hard work I've done be flushed due to being ganked or alike. I try to help others where I can and am no fan of in-game politics getting in the way of having fun.

    Been known to go off on my own and play, but come running back should someone need a skill I have. I like being useful to a group, but not being used, if that makes sense.

    I think I've done a reasonable job of giving you the 'me in a nutshell' spiel so onto the games I'm playing atm;

    Elite: Dangerous - been playing solo mode for the most part and currently flying a Cobra Mk III
    Euro Truck Sim - is oddly addictive
    Reign of Kings

    also played and occasionally revist;
    Life is Feudal: Your Own
    Kerbal Space Program
    Space Engineers
    Stranded Deep

    MMO's I've played over the years;
    Star Wars Galaxies
    Star Wars: The Old Republic
    The Matrix Online - ohhh what potential yet what a failure
    Everquest II
    Final Fantasy XIV - both versions
    World of Warcraft
    Eve Online
    Ryzom - found a decent guild that promptly moved on mass to a game I couldn't afford at the time.

    Oh and a single player game that I think sums up life;
    The Stanley Parable

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