
Kensabi (Kenyastab = EQ)

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by Kenyastab, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. Kenyastab

    Kenyastab Member

    Hey all,

    So this is the last step in setting up my account? Well alrighty then. I'm known everywhere around the interwebs as "Kensabi", but the character I play in EQ is Kenyastab. Joined with some RL friends to experience raiding in EverQuest for the first time.

    I hope that when Kunark finally drops, I'll be able to make my beloved Iksar SK and take on my proper name of "Kensabi" that started my love of EverQuest.

    I have a few other games I play, but at the moment Rocket League has my attention mostly.

    I look forward to playing more games with this group and making new friends.
  2. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Welcome Kenya to the community! Glad to have you with us! See you on the raids and in game =D If you have any questions about the community just let me know =D

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