
League of Legends NALCS finals in NYC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Wheatbread, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Wheatbread

    Wheatbread Member

    August 22 and 23rd. I'm not able to make it the 22nd as I will be at a close friends wedding but I would love to go the 23rd and am currently really going to try to get there. It's a short 1.5 hour drive to there for me or little less via train so I will be traveling from my house in jersey.
    If anyone else is looking to go, let me know and we can meet up.
  2. Wheatbread

    Wheatbread Member

    Tickets are on sale now. I just bought mine for the 23rd, second day. My wife and I will be spending the whole day there.
  3. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    I would totally go if I didn't already have 3 cons scheduled for later this year.

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