
Looking for new Officers

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by Daphonic, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Lethality is looking for new Officers. We are looking for 1 PvX Officer and 3 PvP Officers. The PvE Officer will help run the Guild Kill/Boss Runs and organize other functions in the Guild. The PvP Officers will take control when we are in battles, and help run the PvP Side of the Guild.

    There will be a Main PvP Officer, and 2 Sub PvP Officers for when the Main PvP Officer is not on.


    1. Play 5+ Days a week
    2. Is on during main hours of play 7:00 PM EST to 1:00 AM EST
    3. Organize Events 1-2 nights a week.

    General Guidelines of Community Staff
    Be motivated by the desire to help others, not themselves.
    You should not become an officer because you will be able to get guild invites without that annoying wait or because you won’t have to ask others for guild bank access. You should not offer to be a raid leading officer to ensure your raid spot. You should not become an officer because there’s a policy that you personally hate and you want to campaign to change it. It’s not about you.

    Officership is a job, not a perk.
    It’s not an honor bestowed on you because you’ve been there a long time or because of your good looks and charm. It’s not recognition of your awesomeness. It is definitely not a reward. It’s a JOB. That doesn’t mean all your game time should be eaten by officer crap. But it does mean that a certain portion of your game time will be.

    Officers need to be online often.
    Even in a casual guild. If you can’t do that… it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, or that your opinion matters less than everyone else’s. It just means that you shouldn’t be an officer.

    Officership should not be for life
    We get into the trap that officers serve until they decide not to. Because of this, there’s no regular reevaluation of whether they want to continue being officers. In a democracy, a politician comes up for reelection and has to decide whether he or she really wants to continue. It’s better to have reevaluation at a designated point than for an officer to continue until he or she is totally burnt out.

    Officers need to lead by example, and then some.
    If you step out of line even a little, everyone is going to think it’s ok. If the guild rules say “show up to a raid 10 minutes early”, you need to show up 15 minutes early. Don’t be the guy missing a flask or an enchant.

    Officers should identify and, if possible, fix problems.

    If you don’t like something, if you think it’s wrong, weigh in. In a previous guild, I found an officer had applied to another guild and stated as a reason for wanting a change the failing raiding program of the current guild. The officer had never mentioned the raiding program to the other officers or the GM. There’s no excuse for QQ'ing about policies that you don’t even attempt to change when you, as an officer, do have the power to change them.

    Officers need to abide by guild decisions, even if they don’t agree.
    You wanted to do free rolls but the GM and other officers decided on suicide kings. It’s ok to say that you disagree with the decision, even publicly. It’s not ok to run your raids as free rolls. You need to abide by the decision that the guild leadership made.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
  2. Lodestar(Pride)

    Lodestar(Pride) BDO PvP Officer

    Lodestar (PridesChampion)
  3. Dorn

    Dorn Member

    Dorn (Rogal)
  4. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Well I have previously stated interest. I also previously stated my playtimes. 10pm CST through 4am CST. In terms of event hosting I believe timezones got confused and people were assuming all events were 10pm EST. I am usually still working at those times. xD That overtime though. can't argue that. but either way. interest is still there in being able to help out where my playtimes fit in.
  5. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    1. Play 5+ Days a week
    2. Is on during main hours of play 7:00 PM EST to 1:00 AM EST
    3. Organize Events 1-2 nights a week.
  6. de5i

    de5i Member

    MzMarvel (TheDark)
  7. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    When was the Last Time you were in TeamSpeak? I've been trying to contact you for 4 days now In game.
  8. de5i

    de5i Member

    Got back into team speak today. Mic was broken and had some health issues. I hadn't seen any messages oddly enough. I've basically been on all the time almost lol.
  9. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Yea, not sure if you were AFK or what, But I have a List of 13 people who are in the RED on my roster, and you were one of them. Make sure you hit me up on TeamSpeak tonight.
  10. Godssend

    Godssend BDO PvP Officer

    Experienced in running Raids/PVE. Experienced in running multiple events during the week. Also experienced in Running Mass pvp battles in EQ2, AOC, RIFT, etc.... Hit me up for more info. I also have no life so im home 24/7.
  11. chris

    chris Member

    Family Name- Broflovsky
    Main Character- Grandma_Cleo, lvl 50
    Artisan 5 Cook, Skilled 4 Processing
    Active in the Morning Sun-Tues, EST. On During Main Hours, almost 7 days a week.
    Previously a PVP officer in ESO (ps4), and a guild/team leader in most MMO's i have played.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
  12. Kallivira

    Kallivira Member

    Family Name - Clan_Lionheart
    Main Character - Kallivira (Call Lee veer ah)
    Experienced PVPer in many games. Apprentice fishing and trade
    Active 7pm central to 1130 central weekdays on weekends frequently play all day.
  13. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    and i understand that. but either way. if it does become needed. I am available. I meet every qualification except for the 7pm EST part. Im not going anywhere and ill just kinda keep doing what im doing with my pvp events. since they are fun
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Teejay

    Teejay Member

    Teejay (Tara) applying for pvp officer. Have extensive PvPvE knowledge extending back to Warhammer Online days. Also notable pvp experience in Aion, Rift, TSW, SWTOR, GW2, Wildstar, ArcheAge. I am OCE based, but I am available for hours specified.
  15. Valhas

    Valhas BDO PvP Officer

    Would like to participate in any capacity with the PvP development team in guild if needed and spots are available for secondary officer, raid lead/strategy development.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  16. Bazooka

    Bazooka Member


    1. Play 5+ Days a week - Every day as I am able, minus my medical as you know
    2. With my current situation on work hours (being in the UK) I am able to be on during hours that some officers can not be on. As well as during late night hours that some there is no officers on.
    3. Willing to organize guild missions and not waste them.
    4. Willing to have a guild voice in team speak when other officers may not be around.
    5. Willing to settle issues that people may have, personal with members or non-members while online.
    6. Always willing to answer questions - with information that I know to be a fact and not hearsay.

    Anything else you might already know. If you would like a 1 on 1 let me know if you would consider me. I plan on making this the long haul with the gaming community.
  17. BruZooka

    BruZooka BDO Officer

    I will GLADLY be an officer again, i was in a few games with this community. i am Arizona time, and game normally 2am est - 7am est weekdays and all day weekends (with breaks some days) so i am applying to PvE/ Recruitment officer
  18. Therik

    Therik Member

    posting so i have a list

    Lodestar (PridesChampion)
    Dorn (Rogal)
    MzMarvel (TheDark)
    Teejay (Tara)

  19. Solace

    Solace Member Darkcaller

    I need at least 3 more officers for the sister guild if anyone is interested? Just need help recruiting and and keeping the flow of guild quests going. The sister guild so far has been pretty chill.
  20. Earthe

    Earthe Member

    Earthe (Earthewen)

    I came over to Lethality with Valhas and am currently in the sister guild. I am happy to share my qualifications for officership at your leisure. Please tap me any time. I will also refer you to Val for a reference if you would like to speak with him as well. I am interested in helping the sister guild at this time in any way I can.

    Thank you so much,

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