
Loothorror- 60 Rogue -EQ Agnaar

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by Loothorror, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. Loothorror

    Loothorror Member

    Name- Chris
    Favorite color- Blueish Greenish Teal (maybe?)
    Age- 32
    Gender- Male
    Children- Yes a 4yr old daughter
    Relationship status- depends on the day
    Likes- Stuff and things
    Dislikes- other stuff and things
    ~Figured id complete my account setup and this is 20% and i think i might stick around awhile. P.S. anybody selling an offhand hammer? somewhere in the 90-100dkp range?
  2. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Rofl whats up Wingo I mean Loot =P...see you in game and stick around man this is what I call family...been with these guys from a very long time =D ...See you in raids and discord =D

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