
My Introduction

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by EynonPower, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. EynonPower

    EynonPower Member

    My irl name is Steve, but in games my 3 go to names are Eynon, EynonPower or Ilithiya.

    A bit about myself:

    - I'm 37, married, kid, house etc.....so on the forums when I read that most of you are in your 30's, I knew this would be a good fit for myself.

    - I'm a system analyst / aspiring salesforce developer (learning APEX and SOQL atm)

    - I basically play MMO's, ARPGs and FPS. Currently i'm playing a little known, very, very underrated MMO called Villagers and Heroes. I'm waiting for CoD: Blackout to come out, and i'll get my FPS / Competitive kick in that game.

    - I never played Lineage or Lineage 2 before. I always kind of had an interest in it for the last few years, but just never played it for this reason or that reason. I heard on /r/MMORPG that Lineage 2 was releasing a classic NA server and I was all over it. I did some research on classes and i'll likely play a Blademaster, maybe a Sword Singer. I don't have an over abundance of game time right now, so i'll likely be playing 5-20 hours a week. I'll keep up the best I can, but i'm looking to play casually.

    Thanks for having me and i'm looking forward to playing with you guys and getting some sweet, sweet PK's in game!

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