Any advice on how to proceed with developing a new order? I have currently unlocked the 6th province, but only have 2 chapels. I guess the heart of my question is around the recommended usage of Okki Tablets and Rings of the Founder. My assumption is that it is better to "chase" accuracy to a certain threshold before going for other stats eg "Crushing Blow". This would mean upgrading the temple in Hallaghi Valley with my next Okki Tablet in lieu of starting a chapel in Symerlis. Please let me know your plan for these time limited resources. Thanks, Brutilicus
You need 2 Okki Tablets per Provence. Use first tablet on the Temple Center Part. Than you use an Okki on the Right part to Select the Church you would like. After that you start using the Rings, Middle then right. Each Provence needs 2 of each. If you make the Charge before you upgrade the Temple, the church bonus will not work.