
Stat Distribution

Discussion in 'ARK: Survival Evolved' started by alclarity, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. alclarity

    alclarity Member

    Stat weight
    Tier 1: Health, Stamina, Weight
    Tier 2: Movement, Melee Damage
    Tier 3: Fortitude, Food and Water, Oxygen
    Tier 4: Crafting Speed

    Health and Stamina: At end game, I think Health and Stamina are most important as you will start clearing caves and having to fight on foot, kite more dangerous prey, or travel long distances. Ideally have health: 200 and stamina: 150 as a minimum by level 40.

    Oxygen: this is a very efficient stat at 20% per point and almost necessary for getting to underwater caves should you be near one, but other than that not too useful.

    Food and Water: at low levels these are helpful, but I would much rather put points into Weight to carry food/water items that can help with managing this stat better.

    Weight: A must have stat for leveling, not as useful at max level but having 200 early-on is very very helpful. Suggest having 200 by level 40 and probably stop putting points after 250.

    Melee damage: More damage is good but it is unclear if it affects weapon damage at all or not (Hatchet, Spear, Pike, Rifle, Shotgun, etc)

    Movement: I like having movement speed early on but too much is bad; I have tested 150% mspd and 200% mspd while both feel unnecessary its hilarious to outrun a raptor or carno just by tapping sprint once in awhile. I think somewhere between 110% -116% is perfect but 120% is the most you should get since points are limited, its only 2% per point, and loses some of its lustre when you start getting mounts.

    Fortitude: not much data on this one but I believe it increases resistance to Torpor and increases your Hypothermal and Hyperthermal Insulation by 2 points per level. Until some numbers come out about resistance to torpidity, it still doesn't even seem that useful in PVP as people would rather kill you then knock you out.

    Crafting speed: Probably the least useful combat stat unless you are sitting there handing out spears and arrows to your Tribe in the middle of fights.
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