Evenin' all, Xander here. Couple folks might know me from when I used to stream KSP now and then at xandershadow on twitch. Killing Kerbals is what I do best and still love doing, though it's been a while since I built and streamed a new version of the ICKGMS (Inter Continental kerbal Guided Missile System) Who knows, maybe I'll finally get around to making that ten shot mobile launcher some day!
Haha I play the SIMs similarly, I tend to make something awesome and then burn it or murder it... Welcome to have you on the team!
I like to make overly elaborate contraptions, then watch them fail in spectacular ways. Like trying to make a huge bomber with 10 kerbal guided bombs.. then realizing that you didn't mount the 'bombs' to decouplers. You mounted the landing gear to them. So, on the drop; your wheels fly off and you suddenly have ten rocket fuel boosters. many kerbals died.
I basically make oversized, impractical flying machines specifically designed to kill as many kerbals in as many fun ways as I can :D