TLDR: I'm a gamer! The End... Naw. For real now. Hi everyone! Name is Tony. Glad to be in Lethality. I joined via a co-worker of mine who recommended I join the Minecraft server Daphonic runs. I have been needing a good bunch to hang out with, and Lethality has provided such for me. I'm a Gamer and a bit of a PC Enthusiast when I can afford to be. I have built every computer I paid for myself. I don't have extensive knowledge of PC components and their workings, but I know enough to build inexpensive gaming rigs. I'm in a bit of a gaming rut as many people are nowadays. Being an older gamer can be rough. Standards man... Why did I have to develop them. However, I am still awaiting a few games to clear alpha\beta. Star Citizen Starbound Stonehearth(no not Hearthstone) I love all game genres except horror/thriller, but I heavily favor Simulation games(minus The Sims) and games with creative elements like Minecraft and Terraria. My gamer handle, Guiyran, is a bit of a fun one. Its pretty entertaining to listen to people guess the pronunciation of it. It is pronounced 'guy-ren'. Some say the whole thing, some just call me 'Guy', and a few call me 'Gewy/gooey' due to the slang for GUI(Global User Interface) There is an odd story behind the conceiving of the name. I got the idea for the handle while watching Galaxy Quest(Tim Allan) There is a character in the movie who's name is Guy Fleegman. His role in the TV series within the movie is a sort of Redshirt or Kenny(South Park) type role where he dies a lot. A part in the movie where Sigourney Weaver says "Quick lets get out of here before someone kills 'Guy' ". After they line they all run away. I took Guy and Ran, blended it up and added a Y. Tada. A fresh one of a kind username. Anyhoooow. Enough about me. -Gui