
Valiant Leader Introduction

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by Valiant Leader, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Hello there Lethality! My name is Randall, IGN is Valiant Leader. I play both WoW and League with League being my primary game been playing it for quiet sometime. My gaming experience with WoW is that I was one of the top 5 raid leaders/guild masters from vanilla-cata (still play to this day just not as either of those roles anymore cause my soccer accident my group i played with thought i abandoned them since i had no way of contacting them and was stuck in hospital), been playing league since start of season 1 but cant seem to really make friends to play the game with for some odd reason. I love helping people in anyway I possibly can whether its gaming or real life, I am a college YoungLife leader here at oklahoma state university (Go pokes!!). I am also a childrens pastor for my church, I do a lot of things for my community, my job (that I get paid for) is working as a job coach with mentally disabled individuals. I hope to join this clan because it seems very chill and active with a whole lot of people to give me a chance to get to know more people to play the game with and have some fun!
  2. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Welcome man! we are very happy to have ya! this is definitely a great bunch of people to get to know!
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