
Welcoming VersaLIID. SUP

Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by VersaLIID, May 12, 2015.

  1. VersaLIID

    VersaLIID Member

    My Name Is VersaLIID, and Who am I?
    Salutations fellow gamers, My name is VersaLIID, people call me Versa but my real name is Julian. With this bio I hope to inform and allow you fellow gamers to acknowledge who I am and what I am about.
    I have been gaming since I was about oh I don't know, 6 or 7 years old. started out on the NES with super Mario bros and come to the present, am now gaming have been gaming for the last 3 years on my gaming PC. I have played and basically owned every console that has come out since then.
    I am here to apply and hopefully get recruited for this awesome community of gamers and like minded people, but more specially for the Skyforge Guild.
    I shall speak more of what is needed to know or what is wanted to be known at any time. please message me for any contact information or anything you would like to talk about.
    Thanks you reading!
  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    We accept everyone. It's up to you to maintain your membership with us, and to follow our rules sir. Other than that, you may call us home as long as you like. The Skyforge Guild is going very slow being honest. No one wants to burn out on the betas right now and no official release date it's hard to gauge when to really start anything.

    We have a lot of people who are dying to play this game full time, but no one wants to play the beta due to beta burn outs these days. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask, here or on TeamSpeak.
  3. Veee

    Veee Member

    Welcome Versa, once again, glad to have you part of the community.
  4. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Welcome Versa! Glad to have you with us and i cant wait for skyforge also! hope to see you in game and on teamspeak! we are always on ts just hanging out so your more then welcome to join us =D

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