
Archer Help

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion' started by Stryder Hyperion, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Hey all, I am very new to skyforge. I am about to unlock the Archer, probably today after reset. I just belined straight to this class because it was the one i wanted to play. I have looked for any kind of Guides or builds online to no avail. If anyone has a link or even better has some tips for a build that waould be awesome. I dont even know what attributes i want to stack.

  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    not many if anyone has played Archer yet, so you may be stuck figuring it out on your own for now. Once more people in the Pantheon get Archer, the better you guys can come up with more bu lids.
  3. Naiadia

    Naiadia Member

    I had good luck with str/luck or str/valor builds so far. Granted its still early in the game. Its still my go to class when in PuGs and having difficulty with certain bosses.

    Seems to be a very high single target sustained dps. AoE leaves a bit to be desired. In general PVE rotations are stupid simple on Archer. They do significantly more damage at the beginning of fights than they do at the end however.

    As far as talents go, most of the begining talents in the archer tree are the best. For 3man groups ive been using biting flame, pyrophobia, easy target ( Must have, main dps talent ). Perfect aim is more for soloing but get some impressive first hits. Loading mechanism ( very late talent in the tree ). Electric Disruption ( more for PVP, but has uses on a couple bosses in the early squad missions ) Jungle Law ( if using the right rotation adds a decent amount of extra damage ) Explosive mixture ( good for AoE in 3man, useless in 5 man or higher.

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