
Change of Heart

Discussion in 'Black Desert' started by TooLateToTalk, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. TooLateToTalk

    TooLateToTalk Member

    I'm going to stop working on Gear and take a couple days to level my alts. I caught myself starting to hate the game because of the silver farming I was having to do for better gear. Taking a couple days to level my alts to 50 is the break I need.
  2. TooLateToTalk

    TooLateToTalk Member

    I'll be zoning out over the weekend as I concentrate on farming enough silver to meet the 280 goal. Basically i've given up on manually leveling up my grunil and will just buy the +15 sets from the MP.
  3. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    PLEASE PLEASE tell me someone told you about Grunil Amnity Vendor right?!
  4. TooLateToTalk

    TooLateToTalk Member

    Nope just making it on my own out of the capital one piece at a time. I read about a vendor but could never find them in Alt.
  5. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    oh Dude... Ask someone in TeamSpeak about the Amnity game you poor soul
  6. OleDirty Guy

    OleDirty Guy Member

    Link above to amity guide. Understanding the mini game is huge.
    Mevo Muranan is the grunil vendor in Altinova. He is sorta close to the bank. You can use an alt as the mini game takes energy. You can craft amity costume in Calph and potions through alchemy. The costume is really worth it to me. The potion is debatable, for me it's situational.
    Hope this all helps.

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