So the people who message me when bosses are up finally squealed and told me where they get their info from. Apparently all the top guilds in the game atm are in a Discord with each other that works together to keep everyone up to date on Field bosses. No more post it notes or excel sheets for me :D I got him to send me an invite, and it looks like the Invite link is active for another 23 hours or so. Here it is: Spread the word, lets get everyone on the same page with bosses!
Also, if it helps, feel free to use the following Google doc: Basically, just take the last boss notification time from Discord and punch it into the appropriate cell. It'll tell you the minimum & maximum time range for its next spawn. If it's green, you're currently in the spawn window. Edit: I've done some updates to the spreadsheet and included spawn windows for the main 4 US time zones and AEST. The cells will turn green if you're in one of those time zones and the window is currently active. These are based on my inputs from Discord so will not always be accurate as I do go to sleep. I'll keep them updated as often as possible. If someone wants to help with it, let me know and I can add you with editing privileges. Otherwise, the only publicly editable fields are those for the calculator. Double Edit: If you want to use the calculator, be sure to select your time zone from the drop down menu or it will not highlight correctly. Selecting your time zone will also highlight the spawn fields based on my latest entered times.
Please let me know if there's any issue with the link to the Google spreadsheet or to Discord and I'll get them updated. Also with the spreadsheet, everyone can use it at once, so if you're having issues with others swapping it around while you're working with it, you can always save a copy to utilize for your own.