Disclaimer: The Community runs on the Funds of the Patrons of that Month, who help with the price of growing and maintaining the community. If you enjoy being apart of the Community, and can afford to help out with the monthly expenses please feel free to becoming a Patron. The Link is below. Community Expenses June 2017 Domain Hosting = $15 Reddit.com Advertisement = $36 LethalityServerOne = $116 Community Raffle May = $20 Community Logo Vector = $195 (see below) Teespring Payout = $56 Total = $326 Community Donations for June = $230 June Total = -$96 Community Expenses Year To Date March = -$96 April = +$9 May = -$96 June = -$96 Year To Date = -$279 June Projects Community Logo Vectored = $195 Due to the New Logo being more of an Art Piece and Not done as Vector, we had to Pay an Artist to take the time to Redo logo as a Vector. This Vector will allow us to have better clothing Options and get our Community Jerseys and Jackets, and some better looking hoodies. Future Projects Lethality Jerseys/Jackets/Hoodies From https://armacentrum.com/ = -/+ $200 Recruitment Poster by https://www.facebook.com/TentaclesandTeeth/ = -/+ $600 Once the Logo is finished, we will be getting a Post done, like the Cthulhu Background and Face Poster done. This one will be of our Gentleman Cthulhu in a Recruitment poster like the Small image here http://i.imgur.com/1Dmr3zC.png but will be more Realistic looking. Something members would want hanging on their walls. June Patrons (Alphabetical) @Amskeren @Acerbis @Black_Alchemist @Chirnobl @Crazyassassin141 @CrazyDaveboy @Daphonic @Eonlight @Judicator @Kaiisabi @LegendofNate @pvt @shadowskills @sixer @Thronnos If you would like to help Contribute to the Community Fund, you can become a Patron below by clicking the link. All money goes towards the above expenses, and future projects. Anything that you can offer will greatly help keep our Server going and help build up the community.