I thought I would post a suggestion/thoughts on the raid set up and movement that I have observed since raiding over the last month and half. I think we should look into having a separate officer/raid leader that handles the raid/DZ party. Train is constantly working on pulls with the pullers, strats, overall raid progression and at the same time trying to handle the entire raid groups themselves. If another officer/raid leader took on that role the raid would not come to a halt for invites, group changes, etc if Train is working out pulls and/or raid progression. It is a lot of work to lead raids and to try and do all of it can be taxing. With that, I think the raid group leader would/could spend more time paying attention to group make ups. We can optimize the groups better at times to improve the raid dps and optimize heals/bards/melee groups/caster groups etc... Its great to see the advancement since I got the Wiz to 60 and raiding all the time in the last month and a half. Last nights Tormax kill is a huge example of that. It was the first time I had to burn mana to run out before the fight was over. Continuing to improve DPS/Healer and Caster Mana will make everything quicker and better. Letting Train run the raid progression/tactics and someone else handling all the invites, groups, DZ adds will allow us to mow through targets even faster. Just some thoughts from an over nuking Gnome! Lee
Thank you for brining this to our attention Syze we will be discussing this in our officer meeting coming up .
I am sorry that I have not responded to this sooner, my website account has been acting up and I only just now seen this! Thank you for the feedback bro, it is much appreciated. Its nice to see someone who understands how much actual work is involved in not just leading a raid but in forming the raid and managing them too. This is something that we have discussed in our Officer meetings as Drakoz mentioned. Be on the lookout for some changes soon