Finally Beat Doom, great Single Player Game.
oh Dude... Ask someone in TeamSpeak about the Amnity game you poor soul
PLEASE PLEASE tell me someone told you about Grunil Amnity Vendor right?! @Trixxell...
This was a One Time Thread. If you have dates you will be Busy use the Roster Update Thread. [IMG] The Mother’s Day Event has ended. Rum & Black Stone...
That's no problem, You will be removed from the Main Guild, and can join the Sister Guild if you choose too.
hit me up in TS sometime.
You should join my Cool Kids Tier 7 Club! I know @Jorvaen, @Haiimbelle and @Qyn want to join it sooo bad.
519536568 - Rafts 554678442 - Eggs 620123794 - Prime Meat 539464369 - Castle Building 510590313 - Metal Glass Set 566885854 - Death Helper...
I know me and Solace bought it for PC already
13 Years! -- From Plantside to Black Desert Online! Today, May 20th marks 13 years for our Community. We started way back on the Planetside...
have you ever made any type of Xenforo add ons?
After you've joined our Community, you need to join TeamSpeak and Sync your Website account up with TeamSpeak. To do this Follow these Steps!...
that sucks man, I'm sure you're on a whole lot more than 20 hours a week as of now man, you have to be pushing 4-6 hours some nights. Everyone's...
But is your horse a Tier 7?
[IMG] Event: Road to Valencia All monsters will drop Black Stones Begin: May 18th End: June 1st. (ends with the maintenance begin)...
What all can you do?
Post this on the Reddit Black Desert Online sub, they will witch hunt his ass too