
Official Community Logo Ideas and suggestions.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Daphonic, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Official Community Logo Ideas and suggestions.

    We are looking to come up with a 100% Official logo. Something we can brand our selves with, put on cloths and jerseys. If you have any ideas at all, please post them, anything can help. Take a look at this Site - http://gamergfx.com/portfolio/ These are the type of logo I'm aiming for. If you have any ideas please Share them!

    • Wheatbread

    • Amskeren

    • SaintRoshi

    • Demonskyfish

      • Likes Daphonic’s

      • Nasusica’s idea, but with eyes glowing, with a monocle glowing a bit more.
    • Nauscica

      • Cthulhu gripping the word Lethality, with his Eyes right above the word Lethality.
    • Tomango

      • Like the beast mode, with Gentleman Cthulhu in background of Lethality
    • Ixen Dragnel

      • Lethality multi colors of poison, tentacles coming out of clouds.
    • Shadowskills

      • Cthulhu rolling dice
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
  2. Nauscica

    Nauscica Member

    It makes me think of like forbidden knowledge, the grail i mean. I don't know why
  3. Credimiv

    Credimiv Member

    Gentleman Cthulhu I like that idea
  4. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

  5. I think we need a logo that can be presented in the style and theme of popular games. Something people who saw the person wearing the item would be able to identify with.
  6. Kizzle

    Kizzle Member

    Retro Cthulhu. 8-bit hipster style. Joysticks and nes controllers everywhere o_O

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