Starting Right now, I'm going to keep track of the People who are helping us Recruit. If you have time and are willing to help us Recruit new members please do so. This is open up to everyone in the Guild. All you need to do is copy the Recruitment Message below, and people that are interested in joining, have them Speak to one of the Main Officers online. When the player puts down your name as the one who invited them to join us you will get Credit. The Contest will run To the July 10th, the Winner, will get a $50 Steam Gift Card. This Message is for Channel and Server Messages. < Lethality > Rank 5 - PvX - TeamSpeak (Mandatory) - Highly Active 6pm-2am EST - Mature - Organized - Node/Castle Wars - Scroll Groups - Guild Boss Scrolls - Gaming Group 13 Years - Kick Ass Website - 55+ - PST When someone Responds answer the questions you think you can, and if they are interested, please Direct them to one of the Officers. You're allowed to give them our TeamSpeak info, and you can link them to our Guild Recruitment Page below.