
Yikes!!! Flavor of the month again!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by The Valeyard, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. The Valeyard

    The Valeyard Member

    Skyforge bites the dust
    Ark: bites the dust
    H1Z1 bites the dust
    Everquest bites the dust yet again
    Wildstar bites the dust
    Landmark bites the dust
    Star Wars bites the dust

    Will there ever be a game that Lethality can hang in there with for more then a month or two.
    Are all the current crop of games this bad and we just can not see that before dropping $$ on them for a month of entertainment. Is this wave of online gaming now?

    I for one am losing hope that the gaming future is going to have much of a future.

    Guess I will go play outside again.

    Remember when we used to do that???
  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    What was the Last Game you played that you had fun playing for more than a Month or two?
  3. The Valeyard

    The Valeyard Member

    Ok so: It appears I am in a minority yet I don't see too many in any one game on TS so it is hard to tell who is actually playing any game these days.

    I can see the issue with Skyforge and that was a real fear I had in earlier betas. That fear held true but I was hoping for the best.
    Ark and H1Z1 I knew were going to be a bust, hence I never played, tried or cared one way or another.
    Landmark is a good builder but too limiting and raw for me, truly understand you have to have a good mentality for that game. I worry about EQN in the future as with ANY future mmo
    Returning to Everquest I do like, seems others just can't go back and I understand them
    Wildstar I actually liked more then any other as of the latest MMO's that have come out, yet I do like EQ more I fear
    Star Wars, I also like but the game needs a guild and the guild does not support it anymore either.

    The question as to what game is any good in the past 2 years...none actually, except Wildstar but we know the issues with that game.
    Everquest: why play from 1999/2000 now with Kunark, when you can just play the full on version right now...totally understand.

    Guild wants to go back to GW2. Why did this guild ever leave? The game has only gotten better since people bailed for Wildstar and Landmark.
    I like GW2, Hate going backwards like many people, I assume do.
    If enough DO actually want to start back up with GW2 great, I'll be there, I have great characters to play.

    This was just an observation that as Dap mentions. What game has been any good in the past 2 years?...Hell what game since WoW?
    Oh yeah we went back to that for a month also!!!!
  4. The Valeyard

    The Valeyard Member

    Oh forgot. Hearthstone is a good game in the past 2 years lol...not an mmo though
  5. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    yea, that's is basically the problem most players have. I think as adults we can play games a lot more than we did as kids/teens and we blow through a game so damn fast. It blows but that is how it is.
  6. Drakoz

    Drakoz Elder Elder

    Idk about you vale but I am still playing EQ lol I am lvl 50 SK now and raiding Hate and Fear. I am having a lot of fun with the game.. I am playing that and Counterstrike all I have been playing really.
  7. sarahmon

    sarahmon Member

    been back on eq2 raiding again but its just the same game ive played for 8 years so ill bail soon I'm sure.

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