
New Profile Posts

  1. Stryder Hyperion
    Stryder Hyperion
    Getting close to maxing out Archer, build coming soon.
  2. silvor
    That moment when you're so neutral that no one asks your opinion because they know you won't answer the question asked.
    1. Silaven likes this.
  3. Daphonic
    Daphonic ShieldSlingerCap
    Please update your Contact info in the Admin forums.
  4. Silaven
    you and me both...
  5. Stryder Hyperion
    Stryder Hyperion
    At work wishing I was playing Skyforge.
  6. ktulu8490
    ktulu8490 Daphonic
    Hey Daphonic! was looking to play some ark with a few buddies on here, Oprah and Fox. They told me i need to talk to you to be white listed for the server. Any chance you could hook me up? thanks!
    1. Daphonic
      check the ARK forum for the whitelist thread.
      Jul 10, 2015
  7. ShieldSlingerCap
    Daph - can't see the private forums!
  8. DemonSkyfish
    already have one vee
  9. Veee
  10. Vroom
    Vroom Gnomad
    Hi, just saw your post about building a city and my bud and I thought it was a cool idea and would like to join in on the build. =]
    1. Gnomad likes this.
    2. Gnomad
      Alright man lets talk sometime. I spend quite a bit of time in the TS. Feel free to jump in.
      Jun 24, 2015
  11. Amskeren
    "I am a god among ants, an ant among the stars..."
    1. DemonSkyfish likes this.
  12. FluffyDeath
  13. Veee
    1. FluffyDeath likes this.
    2. FluffyDeath
      My god I think I just came in mah pants
      Jun 15, 2015
    3. Veee
      Yup, it looks very cool. This is something that I don't think I will get motion sick with. Unlike VR so far, I can only take 45min-1hr of it. But this is just like wearing a pair of glass or goggles and then it overlays the augmented reality of your software or games or movies, over your real world. So very very cool!
      Jun 15, 2015
  14. Tandem
  15. silvor
    New server opened up on Tera yesterday, I got the name Silvor. Life accomplished.
  16. MizanMauzer
  17. DemonSkyfish
    pizza does not like you =P
  18. TheDude71
    I like PIZZA
  19. silvor
    The only Lancer (as far as I've seen) on CH to have cleared SCHM with just full Discovery and not the awakened gear. Yey.
  20. Dark Exile
    Dark Exile
    forgot all about dem sigs