
Trophies Awarded to Accountess

  1. Awarded: May 16, 2015

    Rebirth Badge

    You've helped the Phoenix rise, and have obtained 5 Levels!

  2. Awarded: Apr 3, 2015

    That Raid kicked our ass!

    120 days in, what's your favorite memory so far?

  3. Awarded: Jan 15, 2015

    Setting up Camp for the long haul.

    You've been here for 30 days.

  4. Awarded: Jan 15, 2015

    I Just got here!

    You've just made it passed week 1, What are your plans?

  5. Awarded: Jan 11, 2015

    Forum Post 1

    Forum Post 1

  6. Awarded: Dec 2, 2014

    Profile Completion

    100% Profile Completion