Game start. First, you cooperate with your parents and automatically begin the process of character customization. After receiving blessings from...
Every time I come back there is something new on the site *~* Oooo la la~~
Hope you have a great holiday~~
Thanks who ever Daddio66 is on twitch. I just got off from work and couldn't sleep. Stream was purrfect<3 Nothing like a good bedtime story
-pokes- Ello~~
Ello Neos~ Nice to meet you o:
Pssh, That's no fun >:
Gentleman Cthulhu I like that idea
I feel ya ;~; Just keep smiling and looking forward~~
I think this was kind of neat *~* [MEDIA]
I'm hungry ;~; You?
Well played...
You lost me at Tacos... Now I'm hungry ;~;
:cool: Lol
What's your fav genre of games?