Currently the mods that we do have atm are fine I don't think any of us use the no clip stuff at all so keep or remove it if you want....
I need at least 3 more officers for the sister guild if anyone is interested? Just need help recruiting and and keeping the flow of guild quests...
well I figured you and I would be playing :p
Just checking interest in a 5v5 rocket league challenge once a week :) The game is pretty cheap on steam and it is a lot of fun :p
Team: Suicide Squad 1: Ironbound 2:Thronos 3:Sowiks 4:Lawiie 5:Efficasy
Team: Get it done. 1:Kialrien 2:Eventhorizon (Gozi) 3:Trial 4:Syxe 5:Stabatha please post your group here and if you are needing people to start...
Get us in teamspeak after the server maintenance and we can get you an invite to the guild.
Hello, if you still need an invite to the guild contact any officer in ts :)
I agree :D
if you still need an invite contact me in ts
if you still need invite contact me in game I will either be on kialrien or Hiatus
your mic kills my ears but your a fun person :D
welcome to the guild
welcome :) lemme know when your friends want to join.